Closed Bug 1822687 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Github push hook couldn't mark bug 1822283 after the PR merged


( :: API, defect)






(Reporter: RyanVM, Unassigned)



I'm going to guess it has to do with what flags are available for marking in the Glean SDK component.


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      "message": "Bug 1822283 - Fix race condition for Ad IDs\n\nThere is a race condition with generated hashed Ad IDs because we were\nusing a single metric rather than separate metrics for each. We use this\nnew metric so we can send a differently salted version of the ad ID in\ntwo separate pings.",
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    "message": "Bug 1822283 - Fix race condition for Ad IDs\n\nThere is a race condition with generated hashed Ad IDs because we were\nusing a single metric rather than separate metrics for each. We use this\nnew metric so we can send a differently salted version of the ad ID in\ntwo separate pings.",
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{"code":-32000,"documentation":"https:\/\/\/en\/latest\/api\/","error":1,"message":"Some flags do not belong to bug 1822283."}
Flags: needinfo?(dkl)

If the issue is the lack of Milestone flags in that product, I'd would say that we can just skip setting it.

It was due to the qe-verify flag not being enabled for Data and Platform Tools which I have fixed. I am tempted to enable that flag for all products in Bugzilla. You hit redeliver in the webhook activity tab in Github and it will close that bug if you like.

Closed: 2 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dkl)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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