Open Bug 1825721 Opened 1 year ago

Unexpected interaction between approval-request forms


(Bugzilla :: Attachments & Requests, defect)





(Reporter: jfkthame, Unassigned)


Attempting to request both Beta-uplift and Security-approval on an attachment reveals an unexpected interaction between the two forms.


  • Open an Attachment Details page on b.m.o
  • Set both the approval-mozilla-beta and sec-approval dropdowns to "?"
    • thus opening two approval-request forms
  • In the Beta form, click "Risk to taking this patch: Low"
  • In the Security form, click "Is Android affected: Unknown"

ER: the responses in the two forms are set independently.

AR: trying to set the Android option in the Security form actually changes the Risk option in the Beta form instead.

(I haven't explored all potential combinations of requests that a developer might want to set at the same time. This was a case encountered in real-world workflow, where I found it "impossible" to change the Security form's Android option, and then noticed that attempting to do so was actually modifying the Beta form instead.)

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