Open Bug 1826314 Opened 1 year ago Updated 11 months ago

Use same logic to disable normandy as other test harnesses (ie set a localhost URL for it)


(Remote Protocol :: Agent, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Gijs, Unassigned)


So this is about the app.normandy.api_url preference that we currently set to an empty string in and in RecommendedPreferences.sys.mjs.

Under testing/profiles the preference is set to a value like

I wonder if that actually needs a valid page or can just be a dummy (non-existing) page. Searching for selfsupport-dummy doesn't actually reveal any static page nor a handler for such URL. Or might it be even better when we disable the feature by default via app.normandy.enabled?

Barret, what would be your advice? Thanks.

Component: Marionette Client and Harness → Agent
Flags: needinfo?(brennie)
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
Summary: Marionette should use the same logic to disable normandy as other tests (ie set a localhost URL for it) → Use same logic to disable normandy as other test harnesses (ie set a localhost URL for it)
Priority: -- → P3

If you actually want to disable normandy, the pref is probably the best way to go.

Flags: needinfo?(brennie)

Hi Barret. Regarding the app.normandy.enabled preference. Can it be set during startup of Firefox or would it be better to set it for the profile before Firefox actually starts? I wonder when it will be the first time the feature is accessed after starting Firefox.

Flags: needinfo?(brennie)
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