Open Bug 1827611 Opened 1 year ago

Allow starting javascript tracing via an API from workers


(DevTools :: Debugger, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ochameau, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


Bug 1826389 is going to expose an API to start and stop JavaScript tracing via the console API. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for workers.

A first blocker is bug 1827382. We can't easily load JS code (which implements tracing) from the C++ code. The JS code is today a JSM, which don't work from the worker thread.
In bug 1827382, we hope to be able to load ESM in the worker thread. This would help load the ESM from Console.cpp. Then, we would probably have to revise the C++ implementation in order to load the ESM from the worker thread instead of the main thread.

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