Open Bug 1831487 Opened 1 year ago Updated 5 months ago

Rework the existing table used to show the regression/improvement summaries


(Testing :: Performance, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: alexandrui, Assigned: aesanu)



(Whiteboard: [fxp])

This task is for reworking the existing table to modernize it with our new debugging tools and to make it easier to understand. See documentation here:

Acceptance Criteria
A reworked table for regression/improvement bugs that is easier to understand and contains the extra debugging information.

Ratio Test/Metric Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new) Debugging information
instagram linux1804-64-shippable-qr cold fission webrender side-by-side, Before/After Profiles
17% FirstVisualChange 240.00 -> 280.00
11% fcp 220.75 -> 244.24
instagram macosx1015-64-shippable-qr cold fission webrender side-by-side, Before/After Profiles
13% fcp 180.36 -> 204.20
facebook macosx1015-64-shippable-qr cold fission webrender side-by-side, Before/After Profiles
5% fcp 733.83 -> 695.54
5% FirstVisualChange 800.00 -> 760.00
5% PerceptualSpeedIndex 817.83 -> 777.83
5% SpeedIndex 825.83 -> 785.42
4% ContentfulSpeedIndex 813.17 -> 776.67
Assignee: aionescu → aesanu
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