Closed Bug 1834217 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] - AssertionError: invalid cookie domain (400): Document is cookie-averse


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)

Filed by: imoraru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.630Z] 14:04:35     INFO - STDOUT: PASSED
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.630Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875628	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/timeouts {"implicit": 0}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.631Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875629	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,66,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"implicit":0}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.632Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875629	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,66,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.633Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875629	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.634Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875630	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/timeouts {"pageLoad": 300000}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.634Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875631	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,67,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"pageLoad":300000}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.635Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875631	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,67,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.635Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875631	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.636Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875632	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/timeouts {"script": 30000}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.637Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875633	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,68,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"script":30000}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.638Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875633	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,68,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.639Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875633	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.639Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875634	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.640Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875634	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,69,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.641Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875634	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,69,null,{"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.642Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875635	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.642Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875635	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.643Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875636	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,70,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.644Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875636	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,70,null,{"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.645Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875636	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.646Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875637	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window/handles
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.646Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875638	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,71,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandles",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.647Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875638	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,71,null,["b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"]]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.648Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875638	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":["b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"]}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.649Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875639	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window {"handle": "b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.650Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875639	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,72,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.650Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875640	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,72,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.651Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875640	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.652Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875641	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/alert/dismiss {}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.653Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875642	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,73,"WebDriver:DismissAlert",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.654Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875642	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,73,{"error":"no such alert","message":"","stacktrace":"RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/RemoteError.sys.mjs:8:8\nWebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Er ... ote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:265:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:496:20\n"},null]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.655Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875642	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"no such alert","message":"","stacktrace":"RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/Remo ... ontent/marionette/server.sys.mjs:265:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:496:20\n"}}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.656Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875643	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window {"handle": "b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.656Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875644	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,74,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.658Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875644	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,74,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.658Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875644	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.659Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875645	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.660Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875646	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,75,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.661Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875646	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,75,null,{"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.661Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875646	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.662Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875647	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window/handles
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.663Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875647	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,76,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandles",{}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.663Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875648	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,76,null,["b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"]]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.664Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875648	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":["b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"]}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.665Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875649	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window {"handle": "b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.666Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875649	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,77,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"b0847aed-ee04-43a9-acbe-58d97812b34d"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.666Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875650	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,77,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.667Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875650	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.667Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875651	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/window/rect {"width": 800, "height": 600}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.669Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875651	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,78,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.669Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875651	Marionette	TRACE	Requested window geometry matches
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.670Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875651	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,78,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.672Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875652	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.672Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875653	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67/frame {"id": null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.673Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875653	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,79,"WebDriver:SwitchToFrame",{"id":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.673Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875654	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,79,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.674Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875654	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.674Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875659	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> DELETE /session/f498da37-40e8-4f33-9d61-bd0b6b3d9e67
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.676Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875659	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,80,"Marionette:Quit",{"flags":["eForceQuit"]}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.676Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875660	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 59748
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.677Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875660	Marionette	TRACE	[3] MarionetteCommands actor destroyed for window id 6442450947
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.691Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875703	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.707Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875708	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.707Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875709	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette stopped listening
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.711Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875711	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,80,null,{"cause":"shutdown","forced":false,"in_app":true}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.723Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875734	webdriver::server	DEBUG	Teardown session
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:35.739Z] 14:04:35     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677875739	Marionette	DEBUG	Closed connection 0
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.618Z] 14:04:36     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677876618	geckodriver::browser	DEBUG	Browser process stopped: exit code: 0
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.620Z] 14:04:36     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677876619	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.623Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT: ================================== FAILURES ===================================
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.624Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT: ___________________ test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] ____________________
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.625Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT: check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x00000290F78B5790>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.626Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT: dialog_type = 'alert', retval = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.627Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT:     @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss"})
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.627Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT:     @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type, retval", [
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.628Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT:         ("alert", None),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.629Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT:         ("confirm", False),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.629Z] 14:04:36     INFO - STDOUT:         ("prompt", None),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept[capabilities0-alert-None] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept[capabilities0-confirm-True] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept[capabilities0-prompt-] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept_and_notify[capabilities0-alert-None] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept_and_notify[capabilities0-confirm-True] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_accept_and_notify[capabilities0-prompt-] 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.636Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] - AssertionError: invalid cookie domain (400): Document is cookie-averse
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x00000290F78B5790>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert', retval = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss"})
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type, retval", [
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         ("alert", None),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         ("confirm", False),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         ("prompt", None),
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     ])
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     def test_dismiss(check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception, dialog_type, retval):
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - >       check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception(dialog_type, retval)
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception at 0x00000290F78B5790>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.637Z] 14:04:36     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO - retval     = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\webdriver\tests\add_cookie\ 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\webdriver\tests\add_cookie\ in check_user_prompt_closed_without_exception
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     assert_success(response)
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.638Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         create_dialog = <function create_dialog.<locals>.create_dialog at 0x00000290F78B5670>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         new_cookie = {'name': 'foo', 'value': 'bar'}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         response   = <Response status=400 error=<InvalidCookieDomainException http_status=400>>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         retval     = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         session    = <Session d548dd20-795e-4893-95b1-5afa0ff56d87>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         url        = <function url.<locals>.url at 0x00000290F78B5550>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO - response = <Response status=400 error=<InvalidCookieDomainException http_status=400>>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO - value = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     def assert_success(response, value=None):
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         """
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.639Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         Verify that the provided webdriver.Response instance described
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         a valid success response as defined by `dfn-send-a-response` and
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         the provided response value.
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -     
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         :param response: ``webdriver.Response`` instance.
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         :param value: Expected value of the response body, if any.
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO -         """
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - >       assert response.status == 200, str(response.error)
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E       AssertionError: invalid cookie domain (400): Document is cookie-averse
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         Remote-end stacktrace:
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/RemoteError.sys.mjs:8:8
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:183:5
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.640Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         InvalidCookieDomainError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:323:5
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         GeckoDriver.prototype.addCookie@chrome://remote/content/marionette/driver.sys.mjs:2144:11
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E       assert 400 == 200
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         +400
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - E         -200
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - response   = <Response status=400 error=<InvalidCookieDomainException http_status=400>>
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - value      = None
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - 
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.641Z] 14:04:36     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\webdriver\tests\support\ AssertionError
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.646Z] 14:04:36     INFO - ...........
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.647Z] 14:04:36     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | took 33743ms
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.647Z] 14:04:36     INFO - Restarting browser for new test group
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.649Z] 14:04:36     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677876642	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /status
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:36.650Z] 14:04:36     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677876642	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"message":"","ready":true}}
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:46.685Z] 14:04:46  WARNING - Forcibly terminating runner process
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:47.279Z] 14:04:47     INFO - PID 3300 | 1684677886780	geckodriver	INFO	Listening on
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:47.295Z] 14:04:47     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:48.076Z] 14:04:48     INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/close_window/

The underlying problem here is that not the requested page via wptserve is loaded but about:blank:

[task 2023-05-21T14:04:17.059Z] 14:04:17     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677857054	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,7,"WebDriver:Navigate",{"url":"http://web-platform.test:8000/common/blank.html"}]
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:17.060Z] 14:04:17     INFO - PID 7552 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:17.069Z] 14:04:17     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677857069	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event beforeunload for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:17.101Z] 14:04:17     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677857108	Marionette	TRACE	Remoteness change detected. Set new top-level browsing context to 3
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:17.116Z] 14:04:17     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677857110	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pagehide for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:18.262Z] 14:04:18     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677858271	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event beforeunload for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:18.276Z] 14:04:18     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677858275	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pagehide for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:18.294Z] 14:04:18     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677858297	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event DOMContentLoaded for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:18.299Z] 14:04:18     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677858297	Marionette	TRACE	[3] Received event pageshow for about:blank
[task 2023-05-21T14:04:18.300Z] 14:04:18     INFO - PID 7552 | 1684677858298	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,7,null,{"value":null}]

I assume it's related to bug 1816538 as well given that also a lot of other tests are failing with Document was unloaded failures.

See Also: → 1816538
Summary: Intermittent [tier 2] /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] - AssertionError: invalid cookie domain (400): Document is cookie-averse → Intermittent /webdriver/tests/add_cookie/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] - AssertionError: invalid cookie domain (400): Document is cookie-averse

I assume the patch on bug 1838381 fixed it. Lets mark as WFM given that I'm not fully sure.

Closed: 2 years ago
Depends on: 1838381
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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