Closed Bug 1838337 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Intermittent [tier 2] /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/navigate/ | test_navigate_from_single_page[document to data:text] - setup error: webdriver.error.SessionNotCreatedException: session not created (500): Session is already started


(Remote Protocol :: WebDriver BiDi, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.000Z] 20:38:41     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/navigate/ | test_navigate_from_single_page[data:html to document] 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.000Z] 20:38:41     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/navigate/ | test_navigate_from_single_page[document to data:text] - setup error: webdriver.error.SessionNotCreatedException: session not created (500): Session is already started
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.000Z] 20:38:41     INFO - event_loop = <ProactorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.000Z] 20:38:41     INFO - request = <SubRequest 'bidi_session' for <Function test_navigate_from_single_page[document to data:text]>>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO - kwargs = {'capabilities': {}, 'configuration': {'browser': {'args': ['--profile', 'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Lo...Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']}}, 'host': '', 'port': 55516, ...}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO - setup = <function _wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.setup at 0x0000026CEA7CA5E0>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO - finalizer = <function _wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.finalizer at 0x0000026CEA7CA940>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     @functools.wraps(func)
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     def _asyncgen_fixture_wrapper(
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, request: SubRequest, **kwargs: Any
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     ) -> _R:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         gen_obj = func(**_add_kwargs(func, kwargs, event_loop, request))
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         async def setup() -> _R:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             res = await gen_obj.__anext__()
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             return res
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.001Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         def finalizer() -> None:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             """Yield again, to finalize."""
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             async def async_finalizer() -> None:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                 try:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                     await gen_obj.__anext__()
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                 except StopAsyncIteration:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                     pass
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.002Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                 else:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                     msg = "Async generator fixture didn't stop."
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                     msg += "Yield only once."
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                     raise ValueError(msg)
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             event_loop.run_until_complete(async_finalizer())
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - >       result = event_loop.run_until_complete(setup())
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - event_loop = <ProactorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - finalizer  = <function _wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.finalizer at 0x0000026CEA7CA940>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - func       = <function bidi_session at 0x0000026CEA008CA0>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - gen_obj    = <async_generator object bidi_session at 0x0000026CEA7CAB80>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO - kwargs     = {'capabilities': {},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.003Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'configuration': {'browser': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                         'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner'],
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                'binary': 'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\build\\application\\firefox\\firefox.exe'},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                    'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                                                     'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']}},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                    'host': '',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                    'port': 55516,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                    'timeout_multiplier': 3,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                    'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                           '--binary',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                           'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\build\\application\\firefox\\firefox.exe'],
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                  'binary': 'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\fetches\\geckodriver.exe'}}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - request    = <SubRequest 'bidi_session' for <Function test_navigate_from_single_page[document to data:text]>>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - setup      = <function _wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.setup at 0x0000026CEA7CA5E0>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\third_party\pytest-asyncio\pytest_asyncio\ 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - c:\mozilla-build\python3\lib\asyncio\ in run_until_complete
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     return future.result()
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         future     = <Task finished name='Task-887' coro=<_wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.setup() done, defined at Z:\task_168668633882569\build\tests\web-platform\tests\tools\third_party\pytest-asyncio\pytest_asyncio\> exception=<SessionNotCreatedException http_status=500>>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         new_task   = True
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         self       = <ProactorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.004Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\third_party\pytest-asyncio\pytest_asyncio\ in setup
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     res = await gen_obj.__anext__()
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         gen_obj    = <async_generator object bidi_session at 0x0000026CEA7CAB80>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\webdriver\tests\support\ in bidi_session
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     _current_session.start()
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         capabilities = {}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         caps       = {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                                  'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                  'webSocketUrl': True}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.005Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         configuration = {'browser': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                       'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner'],
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -              'binary': 'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\build\\application\\firefox\\firefox.exe'},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                                   'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']}},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'host': '',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'port': 55516,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'timeout_multiplier': 3,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -  'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                         '--binary',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                         'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\build\\application\\firefox\\firefox.exe'],
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                'binary': 'Z:\\task_168668633882569\\fetches\\geckodriver.exe'}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\webdriver\webdriver\ in start
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     value = self.send_command("POST", "session", body=body)
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.006Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         body       = {'capabilities': {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                                                   'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                   'webSocketUrl': True}}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         self       = <Session (disconnected)>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - self = <Session (disconnected)>, method = 'POST', url = 'session'
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - body = {'capabilities': {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile', 'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']}, 'webSocketUrl': True}}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - timeout = None
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.007Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     def send_command(self, method, url, body=None, timeout=None):
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         """
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         Send a command to the remote end and validate its success.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :param method: HTTP method to use in request.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :param uri: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             e.g. `window/rect`.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             the `value` field returned after parsing the response
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             body as JSON.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             an error.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.008Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         :raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain a
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             `value` key.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         """
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         response = self.transport.send(
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             method, url, body,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder,
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             session=self, timeout=timeout)
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -         if response.status != 200:
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             err = error.from_response(response)
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -             if isinstance(err, error.InvalidSessionIdException):
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                 # The driver could have already been deleted the session.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                 self.session_id = None
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO -     
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO - >           raise err
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO - E           webdriver.error.SessionNotCreatedException: session not created (500): Session is already started
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.009Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - body       = {'capabilities': {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                                                   'C:\\Users\\task_168668633882569\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp47cr0p7w.mozrunner']},
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO -                                   'webSocketUrl': True}}}
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - err        = <SessionNotCreatedException http_status=500>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - method     = 'POST'
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - response   = <Response status=500 error=<SessionNotCreatedException http_status=500>>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - self       = <Session (disconnected)>
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - timeout    = None
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - url        = 'session'
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.010Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\webdriver\webdriver\ SessionNotCreatedException
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.015Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.015Z] 20:38:41     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/navigate/ | test_navigate_from_single_page[data:text to data:text] - setup error: 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.091Z] 20:38:41     INFO - 
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.091Z] 20:38:41     INFO - tests\web-platform\tests\tools\webdriver\webdriver\ SessionNotCreatedException
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.091Z] 20:38:41     INFO - PID 5260 | [Parent 8740, IPDL Background] WARNING: cache: '0.047000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:3383
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.092Z] 20:38:41     INFO - PID 5260 | [Parent 8740, IPDL Background] WARNING: sdb: '0.047000s: completed', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:3383
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:41.092Z] 20:38:41     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/navigate/ | took 18214ms

There are problems visible for the IPC channel as used to communicate with the child process, and finally the content process crashed:

[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.186Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | [1608, IPC I/O Child] WARNING: failed to create pipe: 2: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.187Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | [1608, IPC I/O Child] WARNING: Unable to create pipe named "8740.18.1022662857\367089241" in client mode.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.188Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | [1608, IPC I/O Child] WARNING: Dropping message as channel has been closed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeChannel.cpp:209
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.194Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | Exiting due to channel error.
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.201Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | [Parent 8740, Main Thread] WARNING: content process pid = 1608 crashed without leaving a minidump behind: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp:4486
[task 2023-06-13T20:38:40.205Z] 20:38:40     INFO - PID 5260 | A content process crashed and MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN is set, shutting down

Sadly no minidump file has been created. Gabriele, does that ring a bell? I cannot find any bug report for that.

Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)

Looking at the logs here and in bug 1839187 this looks like it could be a very early crash where we fail to create a pipe for IPC during startup. Bug 1838906 has removed the affected code so chances are that this issue will go away.

Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)

Thanks Gabriele! I'll check back on this bug in about 2 or 3 weeks to check if any other failure has been recorded. If not I'll close it as WFM.

Depends on: 1838906

This failure seems to be gone.

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
See Also: → 1872146
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