Open Bug 1839699 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Add a desktop intervention to reposition Google Docs font menus


(Web Compatibility :: Interventions, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: twisniewski, Unassigned)



In bug 1836872 we discovered that scrollbar interop is causing a usability issue when trying to access the font sub-menus on Google Docs with the scrollbar on Firefox. While we work to resolve that, it would be good to at least nudge the menus left a little bit. This seems to do the trick:

[class="goog-menu goog-menu-vertical"], /* font family sub-menus */
.goog-menu.apps-menu-hide-mnemonics { /* font style sub-menus */
    margin-inline-start: -20px;

I'm not sure if -20px is wide enough in all cases (especially on Windows), but we can't reliably know a scrollbar's width without querying internal Firefox code which isn't available in a content script (via windowUtils.getScrollbarSize), which is likely to be tricky.

Summary: Add a Windows and Linux intervention to reposition Google Docs font menus → Add a desktop intervention to reposition Google Docs font menus
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