Closed Bug 1840478 Opened 2 years ago Closed 1 year ago

[css-properties-values-api] Handle non-inherited custom properties.


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, task)




120 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox118 --- wontfix
firefox119 --- fixed
firefox120 --- fixed


(Reporter: emilio, Assigned: zsun)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)



(7 files, 5 obsolete files)

48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
650 bytes, text/html
460 bytes, text/html
48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
48 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
Details | Review
2.91 KB, text/html

Once bug 1840476 lands, we have the registered custom property information in the Stylist, that we can look up.

Right now custom properties are all stored in a single CustomPropertiesMap, that gets inherited through. @property / registerProperty allows you to define non-inherited custom properties, so we need to split that into two, one that we inherit and one that we don't, and store properties appropriately.

Assignee: nobody → zsun
Attachment #9345317 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9345063 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Fetching inherits value of a CSS registered custom propertie from the Stylist.
Attachment #9345063 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Fetching inherits value of a CSS registered custom propertie from the Stylist. → Bug 1840478 - Part1: Fetching inherits value of a CSS registered custom propertie from the Stylist. r=emilio
Attachment #9349243 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9345063 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Pushed by Introduce stylist as a memeber for stylebuilder. r=emilio,zrhoffman
Closed: 1 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 118 Branch

Ah, this issue is not resolved yet. There will be more patches to follow. Shall we re-open it?

Resolution: FIXED → ---
Pushed by Fetching inherits value of a CSS registered custom propertie. r=emilio
Closed: 1 years ago1 year ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attached file custom-property-test.html (obsolete) —

Here is a basic testcase to check how the three kinds of properties (custom prop without inherit flag, custom prop with inherit flag and css variable) are initialized, inherited, set etc

@Emilio, @Zach:

Ziran and I have been experimenting the idea of two CustomPropertiesMap maps. Attachment 9352909 [details] is a preliminary patch for that and attachment 9352888 [details] contains basic test cases we are looking at. We are still working on the patch and we are currently investigating two points, which we thought would be worth asking you in case you can provide an answer more quickly:

  1. What is actually the rationale for having two separate maps? It seems this is adding extra cost for the build() function (to merge the two maps) and is not necessary in the rest of the code (as one can always quickly know from the name whether a property is registered as inherited or not). Also, the CustomPropertiesMap named inherited currently always contains all computed custom property values of the parent and we really need this map to contain custom properties registered as non-inherited there too in order to implement the case --non-inherited-custom-property: inherit (see e.g. id=inherit2 in attachment 9352888 [details]).

  2. In which part of the code do you think we should try to insert the "initial value"? Note this is a bit different from CSS variables since for custom properties that initial value is defined in the registration (instead of having a "guaranteed-invalid value"). The attached patch uses it for 'inital' and 'reset' for now. Our understanding is that this initial value should at least also be set on the root node for custom properties with the inherit flag, and on all nodes with unspecified values for custom properties without inherit flag. We have been experimenting inserting this value when initially building the self.(non_)inherited_custom_properties maps in the cascade function, but that only helps passing a few more tests while not working for the most basic cases (see e.g. id=root or id=unspecified2 in attachment 9352888 [details]).

Thanks in advance.

Flags: needinfo?(zach)
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

OK, I just uploaded a quick dirty change, performing initialization of the custom properties on the root element using some code from a WIP patch by Ziran. With that attachment 9352888 [details] looks almost like Chromium (remaining case is unspecified2 which is handled by Ziran's WIP patch).

Attached testcase demonstrate a case for

We cannot just return self.inherited since --non-inherited-custom-property should be the initial value 50%, not the inherited value 25%

This is similar to attachment 9353221 [details], but targeting the optimization when no inherited custom properties are specified.

@Emilio, @Zach: I updated the patch and proposed an answer for (2) of comment 13. I'm still not clear about question (1) though.

(In reply to Frédéric Wang (:fredw) from comment #13)

@Emilio, @Zach:

Sorry for the lag, TPAC...

  1. What is actually the rationale for having two separate maps?

You want inheriting to be cheap. So we want to differentiate between the inherited custom properties and not, so that inheriting from a style requires at most one reference count bump (Arc::clone in rust).

If you merge everything into a single map then inheriting becomes an expensive operation because you need to clone the map, keep the inherited properties and then remove the non-inherited ones, right?

  1. In which part of the code do you think we should try to insert the "initial value"? Note this is a bit different from CSS variables since for custom properties that initial value is defined in the registration (instead of having a "guaranteed-invalid value"). The attached patch uses it for 'inital' and 'reset' for now. Our understanding is that this initial value should at least also be set on the root node for custom properties with the inherit flag, and on all nodes with unspecified values for custom properties without inherit flag. We have been experimenting inserting this value when initially building the self.(non_)inherited_custom_properties maps in the cascade function, but that only helps passing a few more tests while not working for the most basic cases (see e.g. id=root or id=unspecified2 in attachment 9352888 [details]).

That's tricky... The usual place where we keep the initial values is Device::default_values. But it's a bit yuck having to recompute that all the time we add a new @property rule or what not. Though then again we kinda need to, so maybe we can just do that? But I wonder if we can get away with not storing those initial values and just querying the stylist for those when we need to?

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

If we store the initial values somewhere, it has to be Device::default_values, and not the root. Otherwise styles that don't inherit from the root like ::backdrop won't have the initial values.

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #18)

Sorry for the lag, TPAC...

No worries, we've been able to experiment more and understand things better.

  1. What is actually the rationale for having two separate maps?

You want inheriting to be cheap. So we want to differentiate between the inherited custom properties and not, so that inheriting from a style requires at most one reference count bump (Arc::clone in rust).

If you merge everything into a single map then inheriting becomes an expensive operation because you need to clone the map, keep the inherited properties and then remove the non-inherited ones, right?

OK, I get it and I also realize existing optimizations to just reuse the inherited map don't work well in the current patch. The approach in the patch hasn't changed since Ziran's initial attempt which is just to have these maps:

    inherited_custom_properties: Option<CustomPropertiesMap> // the custom props on the node with inherit flag set to true, or classical CSS variables
    non_inherited_custom_properties: Option<CustomPropertiesMap>  // the custom props on the node with inherit flag set to false
    inherited: Option<&'a Arc<CustomPropertiesMap>>, // the computed style for custom props on the parent (whether or not they have the inherit flag)

With this setup, we still have to build inherited_custom_properties by extracting from inherited those with inherit flag set to true (or classical CSS variables), and then the build() function takes care of merging them into a single map, in order to use them later for var/env substitutions. So that's not really optimal.

As I mentioned, the cascade really need custom props with inherit flag set to false too in order to cover the case --non-inherited-custom-property: inherit. So maybe you meant to also split the inherited map into two maps too (according to whether inherit flag is set to true or false) so in general the first can just be a cheap clone of the corresponding inherited map while the second can just be None/empty (with the convention below for initial values)? An similarly the build() function and subsequent uses while maintain two separate maps (according to whether inherit flag is set to true or false)?

That's tricky... The usual place where we keep the initial values is Device::default_values. But it's a bit yuck having to recompute that all the time we add a new @property rule or what not. Though then again we kinda need to, so maybe we can just do that? But I wonder if we can get away with not storing those initial values and just querying the stylist for those when we need to?

OK, I believe we can use the convention no value == use the initial value (or the guaranteed invalid value if none is specified) and just query the stylist when needed. I'll give it a try.

Flags: needinfo?(zach) → needinfo?(emilio)

(In reply to Frédéric Wang (:fredw) from comment #20)

As I mentioned, the cascade really need custom props with inherit flag set to false too in order to cover the case --non-inherited-custom-property: inherit.

Ah, sorry if that was unclear. Of course, the style needs to keep both, and we need both custom properties map from the parent to inherit properly, indeed.

So maybe you meant to also split the inherited map into two maps too (according to whether inherit flag is set to true or false) so in general the first can just be a cheap clone of the corresponding inherited map while the second can just be None/empty (with the convention below for initial values)? An similarly the build() function and subsequent uses while maintain two separate maps (according to whether inherit flag is set to true or false)?

Yeah, the cleanest approach would be something like this in my opinion:

struct ComputedCustomProperties {
    inherited: Option<Arc<CustomPropertiesMap>>,
    non_inherited: Option<CustomPropertiesMap>,

CustomPropertiesBuilder etc would operate on that struct, effectively (it'd get a &'a ComputedCustomProperties from the parent style, and build a ComputedCustomProperties.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

Thanks for clarifying, let's iterate on the patch and see what we get. (btw wrapping in struct is what I had in mind too).

Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to conveniently handle inherited and non-inherited properties. → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9352909 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio → Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio

@Emilio: I've submitted for review, as per our discussion above. The second part is still in progress, as I need to properly handle initial values.

@Emilio: Replying to your review comments here, as they are a bit related.

In layout/style/ServoBindings.toml, I initially tried to define mozilla::ServoComputedCustomProperties as a crate::custom_properties::ComputedCustomProperties.

This was making the fail, apparently because we are increasing the size of ComputedValues. So I went back to an Option<servo_arc::Arc<...>>, preserving the size to the one of a single pointer. Given that test, I assumed the style code is designed so that we use refcounted computed values and an Arc is still the way to go. Do you think this is actually not true?

Now, the existing code essentially works that way:

  1. Create a new CustomPropertiesBuilder, initiating it with the computed properties of the inherited style.
  2. Call the cascade for each specified property to generate the map.
  3. Call the build function to take ownership of the generated map (or reuse the inherited one) which will be used as the computed property.
  4. Call the substitution code to evaluate properties with css variables, passing the map returned in 3.

During steps 1-3, it seems to me that we are dealing with a single Arc so that seems fine.

For step 4, I'm not quite sure about the code. Some things worth noting:

  • The substitution code is also called in step 2 (for env), step 3 (for cycle resolution) and I believe other places of the code.
  • The substitution code can also edit the maps, I believe to fix cycle issues.
  • The substitute function takes care of unwrapping the Arc for the computed property and other callers do something similar.

With the patch, we keep an Arc for ComputedCustomProperties (as explained for ServoBindings.toml) and an Arc for ComputedCustomProperties::inherited (as discussed on this bug) so that makes thing more confusing. I agree some of them are not necessary though, I'll try to follow your suggestion to see how that can be improve that.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

This was making the fail, apparently because we are increasing the size of ComputedValues. So I went back to an Option<servo_arc::Arc<...>>, preserving the size to the one of a single pointer. Given that test, I assumed the style code is designed so that we use refcounted computed values and an Arc is still the way to go. Do you think this is actually not true?

I think it's reasonable (if unfortunate) to grow the ComputedValues by one pointer (so bumping that to 240), see below.

Given that test, I assumed the style code is designed so that we use refcounted computed values and an Arc is still the way to go. Do you think this is actually not true?

The style code is designed to keep a bunch of reference-counted pointers to style structs, divided by inherited/non-inherited. Wrapping those in a useless arc is adding one completely useless indirection to the custom properties. Also there are use cases to copy the non-inherited properties (see copy_reset_from here). That having to allocate would be unfortunate.

So I'd rather make it work more similarly to how inherited / non-inherited structs work (e.g., nsStyleText and nsStyleTextReset are two pointers in the ComputedValues object) than trying to work around it in a weird way that also complicates the code and makes it slower.

Hopefully that makes sense? That should allow us to simplify the patch significantly.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

@Emilio: Thanks that makes totally sense! I'll give another try with the patch.

Attachment #9354303 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. r=emilio → Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9354303 - Attachment description: Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. r=emilio → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio → Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Attachment #9354127 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio → Bug 1840478 - Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Pushed by Introduce ComputedCustomProperties struct to handle inherited/non-inherited properties. r=emilio
Keywords: leave-open
Target Milestone: 118 Branch → ---

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #19)

If we store the initial values somewhere, it has to be Device::default_values, and not the root. Otherwise styles that don't inherit from the root like ::backdrop won't have the initial values.

So coming back to this, I see ComputedValues::default_values is called for Device::reset_computed_values and Device::new. I believe I need to pass the stylist to insert the initial values but my naive attempt to get it from the document lead to a MOZ_CRASH(already mutably borrowed) when trying to borrow the PerDocumentStyleData (and even if that borrow worked, it seems PerDocumentStyleData::new builds the Device before the stylist anyway). Any suggestion for how to do that?

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #18)

That's tricky... The usual place where we keep the initial values is Device::default_values. But it's a bit yuck having to recompute that all the time we add a new @property rule or what not. Though then again we kinda need to, so maybe we can just do that? But I wonder if we can get away with not storing those initial values and just querying the stylist for those when we need to?

Currently, I'm using the convention item absent from the map == initial value for custom properties registered as non-inherited and inherited value for custom properties that are inherited, which seems the best choice to keep the maps small. So I think we still need to set the initial values for the custom properties registered as inherited, but not for those registered as non-inherited.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

Thinking more about comment 19... Even though ::backdrop doesn't inherit, I think the spec recently changed to that regard when it got moved from the fullscreen spec (here says it inherits now).

So probably the "stash initial values in the root's map" is good enough. That also has the nice side effect of @property initial valeus not affecting privileged AnonymousContent like the DevTools highlighters.

So TLDR I think your approach is probably alright.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

This is like comment 11, fixing missing stuff for non-registered custom prop.

Attachment #9352888 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9354303 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle non-inherited custom properties. r=emilio → Bug 1840478 - Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman
Attachment #9354303 - Attachment description: Bug 1840478 - Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman → WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman
Attachment #9354303 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1840478 - Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman → Bug 1840478 - Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman
Pushed by Handle inherits flag and initial value for custom properties. r=emilio,zrhoffman
Keywords: leave-open
Closed: 1 year ago1 year ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 120 Branch
Regressions: 1856147
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