Closed Bug 1840717 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Web compat issues with the implementation of css-color-4 and css-color-5


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)

Firefox 116





(Reporter: romainmenke, Unassigned)



Steps to reproduce:

I tried to use various features from css-color-4 and css-color-5

Actual results:

I got unexpected color results.
These were inconsistent with other browsers and do not match the specification

Expected results:

I expected correct color results

The template for filing bugs isn't ideal for non-specific issues.
Writing the real message here.

See :

Various implementation bugs exist in Firefox for parts of css-color-4 and css-color-5.
The specification has also gone through substantial changes since implementation was started.

Currently WPT tests do not reflect the specification.

The specification itself still has a few details that require clarification and resolutions.

Authors are learning incorrect things about these features because all browsers shipped "something" for css-color-4 and css-color-5 and because they all shipped different things.

Ideally the issues are resolved as quickly as possible and roughly by all vendors at the same time.

These features are part of interop 2023.

A codepen :

This should be a lighter shade of blue, instead it shows either green or pink, depending on the browser engine

To clarify, the example is simply an example of one of the many compat issues.
It is not the sole issue.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::CSS Parsing and Computation' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → CSS Parsing and Computation
Product: Firefox → Core

This sounds like a duplicate of bug 1824046. Romain, I think it would be better if you filed individual bugs blocking that one.


I agree it would be much better to have individual bugs.

The problem is that I am not in a good position to untangle all this.
The specification still has open issues, WPT has incorrect tests, implementations are all incorrect.
Sometimes they are incorrect in the same way, often they are not.
I am neither an implementer nor a specification editor.

This is my attempt to get more people to look into the state of css-color-4 and css-color-5 and hopefully find a volunteer who is better suited for this.

Because all vendors have shipped incorrect implementations there is time pressure.
If this is left for too long it will become impossible to change.

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:tlouw, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(tlouw)

The codepen you mentioned at least looks like a duplicate of bug 1836557.

It will be hard to action something on this bug, so I'm closing it as a duplicate. There are still wpt tests that fail and those will be addressed. Once we pass most wpt tests it would be easier to point to specific errors and report those.

Closed: 1 year ago
Duplicate of bug: 1836557
Flags: needinfo?(tlouw)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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