"Feedback" button is missing at southwest.com
(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect, P3)
(Webcompat Priority:P2)
Webcompat Priority | P2 |
(Reporter: rbucata, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug, )
(Keywords: webcompat:needs-contact, webcompat:needs-sitepatch, webcompat:site-report, Whiteboard: [webcompat:sightline])
User Story
platform:windows,mac,linux,android impact:feature-broken-minor configuration:general affects:all branch:release
(1 file)
613.27 KB,
Details |
Operating System: Windows 10 PRO x64
Firefox version: Firefox Nightly 117.0a1 (2023-07-09) (64-bit)
Clean profile
Steps to reproduce:
- Navigate to: https://www.southwest.com/
- Scroll the page up and down.
- Observe the right part of the page, next to the scrollbar.
Expected Behavior:
The "Feedback" button is present.
Actual Behavior:
The "Feedback" button is missing.
- Reproducible regardless of the status of ETP.
- Reproducible on the latest build of Firefox Nightly and Release.
- Works as expected using Chrome.
Comment 1•1 year ago
Verified this issue and it's still reproducible on Firefox versions 122 and 124.
Operating system: Windows 10
Browsers: Firefox Nightly 124.0a1 (2024-01-29) / Firefox Release 122 / Chrome 121.0.6167.86
Note: Not reproducible on Chrome
Updated•1 year ago
Updated•8 months ago
Updated•4 months ago
Comment 2•4 months ago
In Chrome, the button is revealed in https://siteintercept.qualtrics.com/dxjsmodule/1.c51ad4dbeb224a512030.chunk.js?Q_CLIENTVERSION=2.18.1&Q_CLIENTTYPE=web&Q_BRANDID=southwest:
resetStyle: p("QSIFeedbackButton")
I don't even see that file in Firefox's network panel, so it's not being loaded. The code to load it is #10 in the list below:
function i(e) {
var n = window.QSI.__webpack_get_script_src__,
t = function (e) {
return r.p + '' + ({
] || e) + '.' + {
0: '4bc342893f8e9e8c986d',
1: 'c51ad4dbeb224a512030',
2: 'ffc19d7ec7dcdb28338d',
3: '1d724e34f90272a07c1e',
4: 'd7b2785dd120c40d6d05',
5: 'af7c62ed24f3109ccdf9',
7: '0ce7c45840e16b27b175',
8: '5523a0bc5d7bd072a82a',
9: '8d9c591aa71c24740b41',
10: '1ba09b50c5c5f3299692',
11: '8efb72b94576d776724b',
12: '2ccba825ea0bd3d6be05',
13: 'acbbc28c1f1ff17d6dd9',
14: 'b61ba5aa618c89931455',
15: 'ef42721609c93455d965',
16: '1ef8051214a9eba39181',
17: '9feafc8b02c6197b1d39',
18: '440e745a33b2120c5b79',
19: '97f54c610a83364f8840',
20: '53835a58e90ac4e9ad0d',
21: '99d952e49e53c854cce2',
22: 'eb766f2150408097dbc1'
So something is probably preventing it from being loaded, and is likely causing other errors given the list of scripts here.
I looked at the initiator trace in the Chrome network panel, and found that Firefox isn't getting very far; it gets to this code in their WRSiteInterceptEngine and call initialize:
document.currentScript &&
(e = document.currentScript.src),
t.e(10).then(t.bind(null, 74)).then((function (n) {
(0, n.initialize) (e)
But a global search for QSI.AssetManager
which is later in the trace, shows nothing, so that script isn't loaded either.
Updated•3 months ago
Comment 3•3 months ago
The script that loads this is:
r.e = function(e) {
var n = []
, t = o[e];
if (0 !== t)
if (t)
else {
var a = new Promise((function(n, i) {
t = o[e] = [n, i]
n.push(t[2] = a);
var d, c = document.createElement("script");
c.charset = "utf-8",
c.timeout = 120,
r.nc && c.setAttribute("nonce", r.nc),
c.src = i(e);
var s = new Error;
d = function(n) {
c.onerror = c.onload = null,
var t = o[e];
if (0 !== t) {
if (t) {
var i = n && ("load" === n.type ? "missing" : n.type)
, r = n && n.target && n.target.src;
s.message = "Loading chunk " + e + " failed.\n(" + i + ": " + r + ")",
s.type = i,
s.request = r,
o[e] = void 0
var l = setTimeout((function() {
type: "timeout",
target: c
), 12e4);
c.onerror = c.onload = d,
return Promise.all(n)
Comment 4•3 months ago
That comes from https://zn6fetw4rxykndjoz-southwest.siteintercept.qualtrics.com/WRSiteInterceptEngine/?Q_ZID=ZN_6fEtw4RXYKndJOZ which isn't loaded in Firefox either.
Comment 5•3 months ago
That script gets loaded from https://www.southwest.com/swa-resources/scripts/analytics/analytics.js
extensions: {
"qualtrics-website-feedback": {
displayName: "Qualtrics Website Feedback",
hostedLibFilesBaseUrl: "/swa-resources/scripts/analytics//b52dfd6476cb/21df05686c51/c3950aba181e/hostedLibFiles/EP3037080b2f514c82a49a8eab77b5a00e/",
modules: {
"qualtrics-website-feedback/src/lib/actions/loadProject.js": {
name: "load-project",
displayName: "Load Project",
script: function(e, t, a, r) {
"use strict";
e.exports = function(e) {
try {
var t = e.brandID
, a = e.projectID
, s = a.replace("_", "").toLowerCase()
, n = function() {
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.id = a,
void 0 === window.QSI && (window.QSI = {
clientTypeVariant: "AdobeLaunch"
var i = function() {
!function() {
var e = function(e, t, a, r) {
this.get = function(e) {
for (var t = e + "=", a = document.cookie.split(";"), r = 0, s = a.length; r < s; r++) {
for (var n = a[r]; " " == n.charAt(0); )
n = n.substring(1, n.length);
if (0 == n.indexOf(t))
return n.substring(t.length, n.length)
return null
this.set = function(e, t) {
var a, r = "";
(a = new Date).setTime(a.getTime() + 6048e5),
r = "; expires=" + a.toGMTString(),
document.cookie = e + "=" + t + r + "; path=/; "
this.check = function() {
var r = this.get(a);
if (r)
r = r.split(":");
else {
if (r = [t, e, 0],
100 == e)
return !0;
"v" == t && (e = Math.random() >= e / 100 ? 0 : 100),
r = [t, e, 0],
this.set(a, r.join(":"))
var s = r[1];
if (100 == s)
return !0;
switch (r[0]) {
case "v":
return !1;
case "r":
var n = r[2] % Math.floor(100 / s);
return r[2]++,
this.set(a, r.join(":")),
return !0
this.go = function() {
if (this.check()) {
var e = document.createElement("script");
e.type = "text/javascript",
e.src = r,
document.body && document.body.appendChild(e)
try {
new e(100,"r","QSI_S_" + a,"https://" + s + "-" + t + ".siteintercept.qualtrics.com/WRSiteInterceptEngine/?Q_ZID=" + a).go()
} catch (e) {}
t && a && s && (n(),
r.logger.log("Loaded Site Intercept Project: " + a))
} catch (e) {
r.logger.error("Could not load Intercept Project: " + e)
Comment 6•3 months ago
So this.check()
returns false, because e == 100 and there's no cookie (QSI_S_ZN_6fEtw4RXYKndJOZ
is the cookie they're looking for)... But that cookie I don't see in chrome either.
Comment 7•3 months ago
Wait that returns true, nvm
Comment 8•3 months ago
I'm seeing a difference over here:
(warning the sha changes over time, so Tom sha changed, and mine [397ed61a8c9d10842d69] will change)
var o = QSI.Orchestrator.Deferred()
, i = new XMLHttpRequest;
return i.open(e, t, !0),
i.withCredentials = !0,
"POST" === e && i.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
i.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 === i.readyState && (200 === i.status ? o.resolve(i.responseText) : o.reject(i.responseText))
is different and explains why we have a difference and why the feedback button is explicitely disabled.
It is a JSON string which contains a "ActionSets"
Array, which is empty on Firefox whereas it contains the following object on chrome:
"ActionSetID": "AS_07676101",
"ContactFrequencyPassed": null,
"Creative": {
"AnchorTags": {
"ID": "CR_2gJhqDWQ54wnbM1",
"Name": "Feedback Button: Slider",
"Revision": "35",
"Type": "FeedbackButton"
"Label": "Production Action Set",
"LogicTree": {
"Left": {
"Comparator": "GTE",
"Left": {
"Expression": "BrowserWidth",
"LogicType": "Resolution",
"Type": "LogicNode"
"Right": {
"Type": "ValueNode",
"Value": "978"
"Type": "ComparatorNode"
"Operator": "AND",
"Right": {
"Comparator": "HAS_NOT_BEEN_SEEN",
"Left": {
"InterceptIDs": [
"LogicType": "InterceptLogic",
"Type": "LogicNode"
"Right": {
"Type": "ValueNode",
"Value": "2592000"
"Type": "ComparatorNode"
"Type": "ConjunctionNode"
"PopUnderTarget": null,
"SurveyID": "SV_39R4UghEgZNZfFz",
"Target": {
"DisplayType": null,
"OriginalURL": "https://www.surveysouthwest.com/jfe/form/SV_39R4UghEgZNZfFz?Q_CHL=si",
"OriginalURLOrigin": "https://www.surveysouthwest.com",
"Type": "Survey",
"URL": "https://siteintercept.qualtrics.com/WRSiteInterceptEngine/?Q_CLIENTTYPE=webAdobeLaunch&Q_Redirect=https://www.surveysouthwest.com/jfe/form/SV_39R4UghEgZNZfFz?Q_CHL%3Dsi&Q_CID=CR_2gJhqDWQ54wnbM1&Q_ASID=AS_07676101&Q_SRT=RH103T1V4Mw8V42XGKHb8w%3D%3D&Q_SIID=SI_5yVw4GOJpYx0RUx&Q_LOC=https://www.southwest.com/&Q_CLIENTVERSION=2.19.0"
This JSON is fetched from the following URL:
You can see the difference via the network monitor. You won't see Feedback Button
in Firefox while you will on Chrome.
Comment 9•3 months ago
Changing the user agent for chrome's one and then, I get the Feedback Button in that JSON...
Comment 10•3 months ago
For some reason, chrome mask doesn't seem to impact this request and we keep Firefox one.
Is that expected?
Comment 11•3 months ago
(In reply to Alexandre Poirot [:ochameau] from comment #10)
For some reason, chrome mask doesn't seem to impact this request and we keep Firefox one.
Is that expected?
I don't think so. Dennis?
Comment 12•3 months ago
Sounds like possibly 2 issues: 1 chromemask may not be affecting all requests. 2 the site is purposely not giving us the feedback code. The second is an outreach issue. I wonder if we can ship an intervention, though
Updated•3 months ago
Comment 13•3 months ago
(In reply to Jeff Muizelaar [:jrmuizel] from comment #11)
I don't think so. Dennis?
Kinda expected in the current implementation. Let's move this discussion to over here, where I highlighted the reason, and possible solutions.
Updated•3 months ago
Updated•1 month ago