Open Bug 1843407 Opened 11 months ago Updated 7 months ago

Add the ability to insert the captured image into a new PDF document


(Firefox :: Screenshots, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: sfoster, Unassigned)


Now that PDF.js has editing capability, creating a new PDF document with the captured screenshot image as content gives us a way to annotate the image.

We want a pref to add this as an option alongside the copy and download buttons, and to explore how to generate the new PDF document with the image, presumably opening the result into a new tab.

This would be nice as, with the new editing capabilities we are building, we could also allow people to do things like highlight important parts of the web page, etc..

(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #0)

creating a new PDF document with the captured screenshot image as content

FWIW, if a user captures a "pdf screenshot" of a whole page, they may naturally expect that text will be selectable, links will be clickable, etc. With some work, we could theoretically offer that (on Android we have 'Share | Save as PDF' which is similar, though it's really closer to print-to-pdf).

It might be worth wiring something like that up, instead of or at the same time as we hypothetically add features to put rasterized images into a PDF. (Or, it might be worth eventually offering via similar nearby UI, for users who are expecting/wanting that sort of outcome when they discover this functionality.)

We have as one user-request for this sort of functionality, at least.

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