Bug 1843715
Opened 2 years ago
Closed 1 year ago
Intermittent mozilla/tests/webdriver/bidi/session/new/ | test_proxy[alwaysMatch] - webdriver.bidi.modules.script.ScriptEvaluateResultException: TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null
(Remote Protocol :: WebDriver BiDi, defect, P5)
Remote Protocol
WebDriver BiDi
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure)
Filed by: ncsoregi [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.009Z] 15:19:45 INFO - TEST-PASS | /_mozilla/webdriver/bidi/session/new/ | test_platform_name[firstMatch]
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /_mozilla/webdriver/bidi/session/new/ | test_proxy[alwaysMatch] - webdriver.bidi.modules.script.ScriptEvaluateResultException: TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - new_session = <function new_session.<locals>.new_session at 0x000001AD6118E430>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - match_capabilities = <function match_capabilities.<locals>.match_capabilities at 0x000001AD612DA280>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - server_config = {'aliases': [], 'all_domains': {'': {'': 'web-platform.test', 'nonexistent': 'nonexistent.web-platform.test', 'nonexis...-web-platform.test', 'www1.www2.not-web-platform.test', ...], 'alternate_hosts': {'alt': 'not-web-platform.test'}, ...}
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - inline = <function inline.<locals>.inline at 0x000001AD612DA940>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - match_type = 'alwaysMatch'
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - @pytest.mark.parametrize("match_type", ["alwaysMatch", "firstMatch"])
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - async def test_proxy(
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - new_session, match_capabilities, server_config, inline, match_type
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - ):
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - domain = server_config["domains"][""][""]
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - port = server_config["ports"]["http"][0]
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - proxy_url = f"{domain}:{port}"
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - proxy_capability = {"proxyType": "manual", "httpProxy": proxy_url}
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - capabilities = match_capabilities(match_type, "proxy", proxy_capability)
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - bidi_session = await new_session(capabilities=capabilities)
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - assert bidi_session.capabilities["proxy"] == proxy_capability
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - page_content = "proxy"
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - page_url = inline(f"<div>{page_content}</div>")
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.010Z] 15:19:45 INFO - test_url = page_url.replace(proxy_url, "")
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - contexts = await bidi_session.browsing_context.get_tree()
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - context=contexts[0]["context"], url=test_url, wait="complete"
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - )
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - # Check that content is expected
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - > response = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - expression="""document.querySelector('div').textContent""",
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - target=ContextTarget(contexts[0]["context"]),
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - await_promise=False,
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - )
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO -
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x000001AD610E40D0>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - capabilities = {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'C:\\Users\\task_168942267839156\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp7ir4pf4w.mozrunner']},
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'proxy': {'httpProxy': 'web-platform.test:8000',
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'proxyType': 'manual'}}}
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - contexts = [{'children': [],
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'context': '9ad5acf7-032d-47e4-ae97-174744e40811',
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'parent': None,
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - 'url': 'about:blank'}]
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - domain = 'web-platform.test'
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.011Z] 15:19:45 INFO - inline = <function inline.<locals>.inline at 0x000001AD612DA940>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.012Z] 15:19:45 INFO - match_capabilities = <function match_capabilities.<locals>.match_capabilities at 0x000001AD612DA280>
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.012Z] 15:19:45 INFO - match_type = 'alwaysMatch'
[task 2023-07-15T15:19:45.012Z] 15:19:45 INFO - new_session = <function new_session.<locals>.new_session at 0x000001AD6118E430>
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 4•1 years ago
Instead of the target page the browsingContext.navigate
command returns when about:blank
got loaded. I highly suspect that this is bug 1839138.
Depends on: 1839138
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 7•1 year ago
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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