Open Bug 1844329 Opened 10 months ago Updated 8 months ago

[Flatpak] Seeking the progress bar on a video while the "Loop" option is enabled will freeze it


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect)

Firefox 116



Tracking Status
firefox116 --- affected


(Reporter: csasca, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



(Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted)

Found in

  • Firefox 116.0b7 (flatpak)

Affected versions

  • Firefox 116.0b7 (flatpak)

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Unaffected platforms: macOS, Windows

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox
  2. Access this example video
  3. Playback the video and check the Loop option from the context menu
  4. Random seek the video or set the it near the end

Expected result

  • The video works as expected

Actual result

  • The image freezes and only the audio is working

Regression range

  • Will see for a regression

Additional notes

  • The issue can be seen in the following attachment
  • Only the flatpak build seems to be affected, regular 116.0b7 is not affected by this issue.

:csasca, if you think that's a regression, could you try to find a regression range using for example mozregression?

Can you help me capture a profiled result? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(csasca)
QA Whiteboard: [qa-regression-triage]

Hey Alastor, sure thing. Here's the link to the captured profile. Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(csasca)
Severity: -- → S4

"Couldn’t retrieve the profile from ⁨Firefox⁩." did you upload your profiled result? You have to upload it in order to share it. Thanks.

Blocks: 1262276
Flags: needinfo?(csasca)

Redid the profile capture and shared it this time (Sorry, I thought it was enough to share the general link like for crashes). Here's the Profile link. Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(csasca)

I would like to manually install specific builds and attempt to determine if this is a regression, but installing specific flatpak builds is not possible or we do not know a working method. Is there a way to install specific try builds with flatpack? Thank you!

P.S. We've received some information regarding a possible way to install try builds with flatpak, but I could not determine how to use it:
"i think i found what i needed, thanks to and some googling.
i downloaded the target.flatpak.tar.xz artifact from try, extracted it, then ran flatpak build-bundle repo org.mozilla.firefox.flatpak org.mozilla.firefox beta, flatpak remote-modify flathub-beta --no-gpg-verify, and flatpak install --user --bundle org.mozilla.firefox.flatpak"

Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies) → needinfo?(alwu)
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