Closed Bug 1844360 Opened 11 months ago Closed 7 months ago

unknown_keys showing up in Glean on Windows 115 release


(Firefox :: Messaging System, task, P2)




122.1 - Nov 20 - Dec 1


(Reporter: dmosedale, Assigned: dmosedale)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


We've started seeing unknown_keys (glean dictionary entry) on Windows Release 115 (dashboard).

In general, all keys should be in the metrics.yaml file, but some are very seldom seen, so they weren't known when Glean telemetry was first added, so these are likely just missing keys (although these could also be errors).

Fixing this will help complete/complete the documentation and processing of our Glean telemetry.

The first step is to work with the telemetry to figure out what the keys are, and the second is to add/document them.

Assignee: dmosedale → nobody
Iteration: 118.1 - July 31 - Aug 11 → 118.2 - Aug 14 - Aug 25
Iteration: 118.2 - Aug 14 - Aug 25 → 119.1 - Aug 28 - Sept 8
Iteration: 119.1 - Aug 28 - Sept 8 → 119.2 - Sept 11 - Sept 22
Assignee: nobody → dmosedale
Iteration: 119.2 - Sept 11 - Sept 22 → 120.1 - Sep 25 - Oct 6
Iteration: 120.1 - Sep 25 - Oct 6 → 120.2 - Oct 9 - Oct 20
Iteration: 120.2 - Oct 9 - Oct 20 → 121.1 - Oct 23 - Nov 3
Iteration: 121.1 - Oct 23 - Nov 3 → 121.2 - Nov 6 - Nov 17
Iteration: 121.2 - Nov 6 - Nov 17 → 122.1 - Nov 20 - Dec 1
Points: --- → 1

Perry and I looked into this a while ago, and the short version is that we've never even hit 100 of these on a day on the release channel since we started sending FxMS Glean telemetry, which is below our threshold for spending much time digging into. Closing as WONTFIX.

Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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