Closed Bug 1845040 Opened 10 months ago Closed 8 months ago

Stop fetching tags for history queries


(Toolkit :: Places, task)




119 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox119 --- fixed


(Reporter: daisuke, Assigned: daisuke)




(1 file)

This is a follow-up of bug 1829580.

In bug 1829580, we stop showing the tag editing feature in the library window when history displays. Accordingly, tags are currently displayed in a tags column, but should not be.

Assignee: nobody → daisuke
Depends on: 1846361
Blocks: 1846361
No longer depends on: 1846361
Summary: Stop displaying tags during the history display → Stop fetching tags for history queries
Attachment #9346199 - Attachment description: Bug 1845040: Stop showing content of tags cell for history item → Bug 1845040: Stop fetching tags for history queries
Pushed by
Stop fetching tags for history queries r=mak
Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 119 Branch

On SuMo, a user reported being affected by this change because they used Tags as a flag for history they wanted to keep: Another reminder that people are very creative in how they use software.

(In reply to jscher2000 from comment #4)

On SuMo, a user reported being affected by this change because they used Tags as a flag for history they wanted to keep: Another reminder that people are very creative in how they use software.

yes, we got bug 1863452 filed. We could potentially show a star on bookmarked history, though that has some non-trivial cost as any history view should then listen for bookmark changes). Filing an enhancement bug to add Star to history entires would be fine, we're unlikely to reintroduce tags though, as that's even more expensive.
Though my suggestion for that specific use case is to use an add-on, that can easily cover the "remove history of non bookmarked sites" case in a more efficient way than the user having to do it manually.
I'd also love to hear more about the use cases to remove from history pages not used often, the urlbar in general should do a good job at giving the right weight to most used pages. There's also the history sidebar By Most Visited, as well as in the library one can add the Visit Count column.

Hi Marco, I don't use tags myself, and I keep as much history as possible, so I don't have any useful input on those questions. Maybe the research team has some insights?

There's no previous research on tags, as it's a rarely used feature with known performance issues (that's also why it's not so much advertized), so for now nobody is spending time on that.
I think showing the bookmarked status of history entries is a valid use case for consistent user-control, it's just a cost to balance. To balance that cost there must be on par benefits, that is what should be figure out, in the future.

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