Open Bug 1845996 Opened 11 months ago Updated 8 months ago

Enroll project in foxfooding program


(Testing :: PerfCompare, task, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: davehunt, Assigned: carla, NeedInfo)



(Whiteboard: [pcf])

Kimberly had a meeting schedule with Peter deHaan and Krupa Raj to discuss this. She planned to enroll the project in the FoxFooding program by the end of this year, to begin user testing and feedback for our Beta release.

Comment 0 was a little misleading because this was originally opened in Jira by Kimberly, and later opened by me in bugzilla. The two tickets are now linked. I have updated the comment to be more clear.

I believe Kimberly did meet with someone from the Foxfooding program, but I'm unable to find any notes related to the outcome of this discussion. @pdehaan were you involved in this discussion? If so, can you recall any outcomes? If not, perhaps it would be good for @carla and @julienw to meet with yourself or someone else involved to pick this up again.

Flags: needinfo?(pdehaan)
Assignee: nobody → csevere
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