Closed Bug 1846857 Opened 11 months ago Closed 11 months ago

Intermittent 'mach build -v' did not run successfully. Please check log for errors. | After sccache: error: Timed out waiting for server startup. Maybe the remote service is unreachable?


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  checking whether the target C compiler can be used...
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: <truncated - see config.log for full output>
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #elif __sun__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #elif __wasi__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WASI"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #endif
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #if __ANDROID__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %OS "Android"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #endif
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.248Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | #endif
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: Executing: `/builds/worker/fetches/sccache/sccache /builds/worker/fetches/clang/bin/clang --sysroot /builds/worker/fetches/sysroot-x86_64-linux-gnu /tmp/conftest.4fc460ci.c -E`
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: The command returned non-zero exit status 2.
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: Its error output was:
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12    ERROR -  DEBUG: | sccache: error: Timed out waiting for server startup. Maybe the remote service is unreachable?
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.249Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  DEBUG: | Run with SCCACHE_LOG=debug SCCACHE_NO_DAEMON=1 to get more information
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.250Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  ERROR: Command `/builds/worker/fetches/sccache/sccache /builds/worker/fetches/clang/bin/clang --sysroot /builds/worker/fetches/sysroot-x86_64-linux-gnu /tmp/conftest.4fc460ci.c -E` failed with exit status 2.
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.305Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  *** Fix above errors and then restart with "./mach build"
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.374Z] 21:25:12     INFO - Return code: 1
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.374Z] 21:25:12  WARNING - setting return code to 2
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.374Z] 21:25:12    FATAL - 'mach build -v' did not run successfully. Please check log for errors.
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.374Z] 21:25:12    FATAL - Running post_fatal callback...
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.374Z] 21:25:12    FATAL - Exiting -1
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.375Z] 21:25:12     INFO - [mozharness: 2023-08-02 21:25:12.375000Z] Finished build step (failed)
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.375Z] 21:25:12     INFO - Running post-run listener: _parse_build_tests_ccov
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.375Z] 21:25:12     INFO - Running command: ['/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/common/bin/python', 'mach', 'python', 'testing/'] in /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.375Z] 21:25:12     INFO - Copy/paste: /builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/common/bin/python mach python testing/
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.377Z] 21:25:12     INFO - Using env: {'ACCEPTED_MAR_CHANNEL_IDS': 'firefox-mozilla-central',
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.377Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive',
[task 2023-08-02T21:25:12.377Z] 21:25:12     INFO -  'DISPLAY': ':2',
Closed: 11 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1823997
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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