Closed Bug 1847163 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 41333 - webrtc wpt: deflake supported-stats test


(Core :: WebRTC, task, P4)




118 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox118 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, )


(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 41333 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

Philipp Hancke <> wrote:

webrtc wpt: deflake supported-stats test

by waiting for the DTLS connection to be established before checking
the remoteCertificateId.


Change-Id: Ibdb8e8821e795b1457cfa9fad137c534869ff425
WPT-Export-Revision: 0790095e1badef0af8be23702fae61438422ead1

Component: web-platform-tests → WebRTC
Product: Testing → Core

CI Results

Ran 8 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI

Total 1 tests and 265 subtests

Status Summary


OK : 1
PASS : 153
FAIL : 98


OK : 1
PASS : 243
FAIL : 8




Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base


New Tests That Don't Pass

  • /webrtc-stats/supported-stats.https.html []
    • inbound-rtp's mid: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's keyFramesDecoded: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's framesRendered: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • inbound-rtp's qpSum: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's pauseCount: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's totalPausesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's freezeCount: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's totalFreezesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's estimatedPlayoutTimestamp: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • inbound-rtp's jitterBufferTargetDelay: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's jitterBufferMinimumDelay: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's decoderImplementation: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's playoutId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's powerEfficientDecoder: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's totalAssemblyTime: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's retransmittedPacketsReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's retransmittedBytesReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • inbound-rtp's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's mid: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's mediaSourceId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's rid: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • outbound-rtp's targetBitrate: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's keyFramesEncoded: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's totalPacketSendDelay: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's qualityLimitationReason: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's qualityLimitationDurations: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's qualityLimitationResolutionChanges: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's encoderImplementation: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's powerEfficientEncoder: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's active: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's scalabilityMode: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • outbound-rtp's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-inbound-rtp's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-outbound-rtp's reportsSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-outbound-rtp's roundTripTime: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • remote-outbound-rtp's totalRoundTripTime: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-outbound-rtp's roundTripTimeMeasurements: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-outbound-rtp's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-source's audioLevel: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-source's totalAudioEnergy: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-source's totalSamplesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-source's echoReturnLoss: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • media-source's echoReturnLossEnhancement: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • media-source's droppedSamplesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • media-source's droppedSamplesEvents: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • media-source's totalCaptureDelay: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • media-source's totalSamplesCaptured: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL)
    • media-playout's kind: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's synthesizedSamplesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's synthesizedSamplesEvents: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's totalSamplesDuration: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's totalPlayoutDelay: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's totalSamplesCount: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's timestamp: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • media-playout's id: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's packetsSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's packetsReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's bytesSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's bytesReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's iceRole: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's iceLocalUsernameFragment: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's dtlsState: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's iceState: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's selectedCandidatePairId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's localCertificateId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's remoteCertificateId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's tlsVersion: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's dtlsCipher: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's dtlsRole: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's srtpCipher: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's selectedCandidatePairChanges: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's timestamp: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • transport's id: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's packetsSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's packetsReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's totalRoundTripTime: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's currentRoundTripTime: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's availableOutgoingBitrate: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's availableIncomingBitrate: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • candidate-pair's requestsReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's requestsSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's responsesReceived: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's responsesSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's consentRequestsSent: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's packetsDiscardedOnSend: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • candidate-pair's bytesDiscardedOnSend: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • local-candidate's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • local-candidate's url: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • local-candidate's relayProtocol: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • local-candidate's foundation: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • local-candidate's relatedAddress: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • local-candidate's relatedPort: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • local-candidate's usernameFragment: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • local-candidate's tcpType: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-candidate's transportId: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-candidate's url: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • remote-candidate's relayProtocol: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • remote-candidate's foundation: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-candidate's relatedAddress: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • remote-candidate's relatedPort: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • remote-candidate's usernameFragment: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • remote-candidate's tcpType: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • certificate's fingerprint: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • certificate's fingerprintAlgorithm: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • certificate's base64Certificate: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • certificate's issuerCertificateId: PRECONDITION_FAILED (Chrome: PRECONDITION_FAILED)
    • certificate's timestamp: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • certificate's type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • certificate's id: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
Pushed by [wpt PR 41333] - webrtc wpt: deflake supported-stats test, a=testonly
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 118 Branch
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