Closed Bug 1847288 Opened 10 months ago Closed 8 months ago

mach bootstrap / build for release source, follow up from Bug 1798746


(Firefox Build System :: Mach Core, task)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: smurfd, Assigned: smurfd)




(3 files)

This is a follow up bug from :
Bug 1798746 - Ensure checking for mercurial/git only if its a hg/git clone, not release source

It landed, and then it turned out that everything in third_party/python/taskcluster_taskgraph/taskgraph/ gets overwritten when Taskgraph gets updated. So the changes were reverted.

I created a (which we closed today)
@ahal and me had some chatting, he expressed interest in not touching taskgraph code that much for this special Firefox case. Which makes all the sense.

And im thinking i would, just above
call get_repository() in a try/except RuntimeError. If it hits RuntimeError i would check if a moz.configure file exists. Then make whatever calls i need from above callstack from the taskcluster things, either by hand or calling the actual functions from python/mozbuild/mozbuild/

If we dont hit the exception, we continue as usual.

This is the callstack for this.

maybe_install_private_packages_or_exit() is called from bootstrap() in:

install_toolchain_artifact() is called from maybe_install_private_packages_or_exit() in:

bootstrap_toolchain() is called from install_toolchain_artifact() in:

bootstrap_path() is called from bootstrap_toolchain() in:

bootstrap_toolchain_tasks() is called from bootstrap_path() in:

toolchain_task_definitions() is called from bootstrap_toolchain_tasks() in:

load_tasks_for_kind() is called from toolchain_task_definitions() in:

parameters_loader() is called from load_tasks_for_kind() in:

load_parameters_file() is called from parameters_loader() in:

Parameters.init() is called from load_parameters_file() in:

fill_defaults() is called from Parameters.init() in:

get_defaults() via defaults_functions is called from fill_defaults() or extend_parameters_schema in:

get_repository() is called from get_defaults() in:


Assignee: nobody → smurfd
Attached file 5_build.txt

We're a Thunderbird downstream project trying to build a modified Thunderbird via tarball in GitHub actions. Sadly on Mac that doesn't work, that is mach bootstrap fails.

We don't know for how long GitHub actions keeps the logs, so we'll attach the relevant file. Building from tarball on Linux is fine. We much prefer to build from tarball to save having to pull the 2GB+ repo each time, the tarball is "only" 500 MB.

Sorry for the intrusion, we just saw some more action on the issue. If there is interest, we can file another bug.

Thanks for the info. Maby you can try disabling sccache on mac?

^^ major wip (not close to working yet) I will need info when i ...
plan is to get it working then remove stuff not needed. for it to not be a massive patch.

Hey @ahal,
when time, could you please check the phabricator. have some questions.
hoping also to spark some idea by typing something down, if so i cancel the need info :)

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)

I have things working now (or atleast it downloads the toolchains artifacts, clang, clang-tidy, minidump-stackwalk and so on)
Have not updated the phabricator revision yet. will see if it builds first.

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)

hey @ahal
more updates
this works now, have also built successfully on my mac.
Updated the phabricator revision.

Keeping it wip for now

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)
Attachment #9348783 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1847288 - mach bootstrap / build for release source → Bug 1847288 - mach bootstrap / build for release source

Thanks, I commented on the patch. I don't think we should be duplicating TaskGraphGenerator or Parameters classes here. I was hoping all that would be needed is some light monkeypatching. I'm a bit confused because the changes in your PR to upstream Taskgraph seemed to be fairly trivial, but now it seems much more complicated.

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)

That sounds Great!, because yes i was not happy to have to copy most of the classes and only having modified one function in it.
im not sure ive done this in python before, but i get the idea.
In the Parameters class for example, i have only touched the file_url(self, path, pretty=False) function

i would do something like this?!

from taskgraph.parameters import Parameters
def parameters_file_url(self, path, pretty=False): # my modified function

def load_parameters_file(....):
    if not spec:
        taskgraph.parameters.Parameters.file_url = parameters_file_url
        return Parameters(strict=strict, repo_root=repo_root, **overrides)

---- edit ----
nevermind, i think you ment to recreate the PR to taskgraph into monkey patched functions here.
will look more into that and get back with a Needinfo when i have something.

Never mind that, just got it working.
submitted updated revision to phabricator

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)

Now im pretty sure we are at a minimum patch for this :)

Depends on: 1798746
Attached file GitHub Pull Request

Hi Nicklas, could you try applying this patch to the in-tree copy of Taskgraph and letting me know if it's sufficient to unblock you? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(ahal) → needinfo?(smurfd)

Hey Andrew, Yes! that works, it will download the artifacts even without .hg or .git folder :)
I guess we will abandon the phabricator revision, then when that patch gets bumped into third_party/ we close this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(smurfd) → needinfo?(ahal)

Thanks for checking!

Yep, that would be the plan. I'll get this PR reviewed and landed, then make a new Taskgraph release so we can pick it up in Gecko.

Flags: needinfo?(ahal)
Depends on: 1853175

The change should now be in mozilla-central so this should be unblocked again. Sorry for the delay!

Closing per comment 15.

Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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