Open Bug 1848517 (detekt) Opened 10 months ago Updated 5 months ago

[meta] Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin


(Fenix :: General, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: gl, Unassigned)


(Depends on 6 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

This is a meta bug tracking of our detekt related bugs - this is to serve as reference to the various issues and decisions we make around our detekt usage. This could be anything from bumping the versions to modifying our existing ruleset, and adding new custom lint rules.

Depends on: 1795140
Alias: detekt
Summary: [Meta] Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin → [meta] Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
Depends on: 1848520
Depends on: 1848521
Depends on: 1848527
Depends on: 1863490
Depends on: 1863755
Depends on: 1872996
Depends on: 1873009
Blocks: 1874861
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