Closed Bug 1851160 Opened 10 months ago Closed 1 month ago

Intermittent mozilla/tests/webdriver/harness/ | test_detect_crash[capabilities0] - teardown error: webdriver.error.NoSuchWindowException: no such window (404): Browsing context has been discarded


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(firefox128 fixed)

128 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox128 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: whimboo)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [webdriver:m11])


(1 file)

Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.218Z] 11:28:44     INFO - TEST-START | /_mozilla/webdriver/harness/
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.556Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.557Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: platform linux -- Python 3.7.5, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-unknown -- /builds/worker/workspace/build/venv/bin/python
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.558Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: rootdir: /builds/worker/workspace/build
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.559Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: plugins: asyncio-0.19.0
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.560Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: asyncio: mode=strict
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.560Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: collecting ... 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.565Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: collected 1 item
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.566Z] 11:28:44     INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/harness/[capabilities0] 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.567Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724565	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session {"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["--profile", "/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner"]}, "pageLoadStrategy": "none"}}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.567Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724566	geckodriver::capabilities	DEBUG	Trying to read firefox version from ini files
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.568Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724566	geckodriver::capabilities	DEBUG	Found version 119.0a1
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.568Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724567	geckodriver::browser	DEBUG	Backing up prefs to "/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/user.geckodriver_backup"
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.573Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724572	mozrunner::runner	INFO	Running command: MOZ_CRASHREPORTER="1" MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT="1" MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN="1" MOZ_NO_REMOTE="1" "/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox" "--marionette" "--profile" "/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner" "-no-remote"
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.573Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724572	geckodriver::marionette	DEBUG	Waiting 60s to connect to browser on
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.574Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724572	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.574Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724572	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.674Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724672	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.674Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724672	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.684Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.701Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.774Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724773	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.775Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724773	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.874Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724873	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.875Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724873	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.974Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724973	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:44.974Z] 11:28:44     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567724973	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.074Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725073	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.075Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725073	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.174Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725173	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.175Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725174	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.275Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725274	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.275Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725274	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.375Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725374	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.375Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725374	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.475Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725474	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.475Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725474	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.575Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725574	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.576Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725574	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.676Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725675	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.676Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725675	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.776Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725775	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.776Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725775	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.876Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725875	geckodriver::browser	TRACE	Failed to open /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/MarionetteActivePort
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.877Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725875	geckodriver::marionette	TRACE	Retrying in 100ms
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.895Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725894	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.895Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725894	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification final-ui-startup
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.912Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725911	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 39710
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.912Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567725911	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette is listening
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:45.976Z] 11:28:45     INFO - PID 12296 | Read port: 39710
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.020Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567726019	Marionette	DEBUG	Accepted connection 0 from
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.024Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567726023	geckodriver::marionette	DEBUG	Connection to Marionette established on
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.049Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567726048	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"pageLoadStrategy":"none"}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.050Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567726049	Marionette	DEBUG	Waiting for initial application window
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.073Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:46.211Z] 11:28:46     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.279Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: ({})
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.457Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.654Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.654Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.655Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: (new Error("Unexpected content-type \"text/plain;charset=US-ASCII\"", "resource://services-settings/Utils.sys.mjs", 399))
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.724Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727723	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification browser-idle-startup-tasks-finished
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.728Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727726	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] ProgressListener Start: expectNavigation=false resolveWhenStarted=false unloadTimeout=5000 waitForExplicitStart=false
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.728Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727726	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] ProgressListener Setting unload timer (5000ms)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.729Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727726	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] Document already finished loading: about:blank
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.729Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727726	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] ProgressListener Stop: has error=false
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.735Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727733	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3","capabilities":{"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"119.0a1","platformName":"linux","acceptInsecureCerts":false,"pageLoadStrategy":"none","setWindowRect":true,"timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"strictFileInteractability":false,"unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify","moz:accessibilityChecks":false,"moz:buildID":"20230901091750","moz:headless":false,"moz:platformVersion":"4.4.0-1014-aws","moz:processID":12315,"moz:profile":"/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner","moz:shutdownTimeout":60000,"moz:webdriverClick":true,"moz:windowless":false,"proxy":{}}}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.736Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727734	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"sessionId":"4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3","capabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":false,"browserNa ... ctability":false,"timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify"}}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.738Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727736	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window/rect {"width": 800, "height": 600}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.740Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727738	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,2,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.740Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727738	Marionette	TRACE	Requested window geometry matches
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.741Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727739	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,2,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.743Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727740	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.744Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727742	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window/rect {"x": 100, "y": 100}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.746Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727744	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,3,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"x":100,"y":100}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.752Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727745	Marionette	TRACE	Requested window geometry matches
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.755Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727746	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,3,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.759Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727747	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.761Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727751	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"implicit": 0}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.764Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727752	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,4,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"implicit":0}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.767Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727753	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,4,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.770Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727757	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.773Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727762	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"pageLoad": 3000}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.775Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727764	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,5,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"pageLoad":3000}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.778Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727764	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,5,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.781Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727764	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.782Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727766	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"script": 1000}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727768	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,6,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"script":1000}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727769	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,6,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727770	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727772	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/url {"url": "about:crashcontent"}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727775	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,7,"WebDriver:Navigate",{"url":"about:crashcontent"}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.783Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727776	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] ProgressListener Start: expectNavigation=false resolveWhenStarted=true unloadTimeout=200 waitForExplicitStart=true
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.784Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727776	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[3] ProgressListener Setting unload timer (200ms)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.942Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727941	Marionette	TRACE	Remoteness change detected. Set new top-level browsing context to 11
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.948Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | A content process crashed and MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN is set, shutting down
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.987Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727986	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[11] ProgressListener No navigation detected: about:blank
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.989Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727986	RemoteAgent	TRACE	[11] ProgressListener Stop: has error=false
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.994Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727986	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,7,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.994Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727989	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.994Z] 11:28:47     INFO - STDOUT: PASSED
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:47.994Z] 11:28:47     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567727991	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"implicit": 0}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.003Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728002	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.004Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728002	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 39710
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.005Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728003	Marionette	DEBUG	Marionette stopped listening
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.172Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | [Parent 12315, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: process 12444 exited on signal 11: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/base/
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.182Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728180	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,8,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"implicit":0}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.182Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728180	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,8,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.185Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728184	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.186Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728185	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"pageLoad": 300000}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.190Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728189	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,9,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"pageLoad":300000}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.191Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728189	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,9,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.192Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728190	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.193Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728192	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/timeouts {"script": 30000}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.196Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728195	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,10,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"script":30000}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.197Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728195	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,10,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.197Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728196	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.198Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728197	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.199Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728199	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,11,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.201Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728199	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,11,{"error":"no such window","message":"Browsing context has been discarded","stacktrace":"RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/RemoteError.sys.mjs:8:8\nWebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Er ... ote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:263:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:494:20\n"},null]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.202Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728200	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"no such window","message":"Browsing context has been discarded","stacktrace":"RemoteError ... ontent/marionette/server.sys.mjs:263:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:494:20\n"}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.203Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728201	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window/handles
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.205Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728204	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,12,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandles",{}]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.206Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728204	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,12,null,[]]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.206Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728204	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":[]}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.212Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | JavaScript error: chrome://remote/content/marionette/cert.sys.mjs, line 51: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsICertOverrideService.setDisableAllSecurityChecksAndLetAttackersInterceptMyData]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.221Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | console.error: ({})
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.340Z] 11:28:48     INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/webdriver/harness/[capabilities0] 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.340Z] 11:28:48     INFO - STDOUT: ERROR
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.341Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728339	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> DELETE /session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.341Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728339	webdriver::server	DEBUG	Teardown session
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.342Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728339	geckodriver::marionette	ERROR	Failed to close browser connection: Socket not connected (os error 107)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.342Z] 11:28:48     INFO - PID 12296 | 1693567728339	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 500 Internal Server Error {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Failed to decode response from marionette","stacktrace":""}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | /_mozilla/webdriver/harness/ | test_detect_crash[capabilities0] - teardown error: webdriver.error.NoSuchWindowException: no such window (404): Browsing context has been discarded
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     @ignore_exceptions
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def _ensure_valid_window(session):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """If current window was closed, ensure to have a valid one selected."""
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         try:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >           session.window_handle
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session    = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>, args = (), kwargs = {}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         if hasattr(self, "session"):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             session = self.session
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         else:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             session = self
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         if session.session_id is None:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             session.start()
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >       return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - args       = ()
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - func       = <function Session.window_handle at 0x7fc7e8b2bb90>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - kwargs     = {}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self       = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session    = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.349Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     @property
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     @command
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def window_handle(self):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >       return self.send_session_command("GET", "window")
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self       = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>, method = 'GET'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - uri = 'window', body = None, timeout = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def send_session_command(self, method, uri, body=None, timeout=None):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         Send a command to an established session and validate its success.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param method: HTTP method to use in request.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param url: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             e.g. `window/rect`.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.  Must be JSON
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             serialisable.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             the result of parsing the body as JSON.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             an error.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.350Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         url = urlparse.urljoin("session/%s/" % self.session_id, uri)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >       return self.send_command(method, url, body, timeout)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - body       = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - method     = 'GET'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self       = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - timeout    = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - uri        = 'window'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - url        = 'session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>, method = 'GET'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - url = 'session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window', body = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - timeout = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def send_command(self, method, url, body=None, timeout=None):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         Send a command to the remote end and validate its success.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param method: HTTP method to use in request.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.351Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param uri: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             e.g. `window/rect`.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             the `value` field returned after parsing the response
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             body as JSON.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.352Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.353Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.353Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             an error.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.353Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         :raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain a
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.353Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             `value` key.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         response = self.transport.send(
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             method, url, body,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             session=self, timeout=timeout)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         if response.status != 200:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             err = error.from_response(response)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             if isinstance(err, error.InvalidSessionIdException):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 # The driver could have already been deleted the session.
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 self.session_id = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >           raise err
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           webdriver.error.NoSuchWindowException: no such window (404): Browsing context has been discarded
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           Remote-end stacktrace:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           RemoteError@chrome://remote/content/shared/RemoteError.sys.mjs:8:8
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:189:5
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           NoSuchWindowError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs:630:5
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           assert.that/<@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs:485:13
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           GeckoDriver.prototype.getWindowHandle@chrome://remote/content/marionette/driver.sys.mjs:1047:15
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           despatch@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:318:40
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           execute@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:289:16
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           onPacket/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:262:20
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           onPacket@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.sys.mjs:263:9
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           _onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:494:20
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - body       = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.357Z] 11:28:48     INFO - err        = <NoSuchWindowException http_status=404>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - method     = 'GET'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - response   = <Response status=404 error=<NoSuchWindowException http_status=404>>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - self       = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - timeout    = None
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - url        = 'session/4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3/window'
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ NoSuchWindowException
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def finalizer() -> None:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """Yield again, to finalize."""
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         async def async_finalizer() -> None:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             try:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 await gen_obj.__anext__()
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             except StopAsyncIteration:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 pass
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             else:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 msg = "Async generator fixture didn't stop."
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 msg += "Yield only once."
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                 raise ValueError(msg)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >       event_loop.run_until_complete(async_finalizer())
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - async_finalizer = <function _wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.finalizer.<locals>.async_finalizer at 0x7fc7e86d3710>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - event_loop = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=True debug=False>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - gen_obj    = <async_generator object session at 0x7fc7e86d3680>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ in run_until_complete
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     return future.result()
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         future     = <Task finished coro=<_wrap_asyncgen.<locals>._asyncgen_fixture_wrapper.<locals>.finalizer.<locals>.async_finalizer() done, defined at /builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/> exception=IndexError('list index out of range')>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         new_task   = True
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         self       = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=True debug=False>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/ in async_finalizer
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     await gen_obj.__anext__()
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         gen_obj    = <async_generator object session at 0x7fc7e86d3680>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ in session
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     cleanup_session(_current_session)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         capabilities = {'pageLoadStrategy': 'none'}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         caps       = {'alwaysMatch': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                                                  '/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner']},
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                  'pageLoadStrategy': 'none'}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         configuration = {'browser': {'args': ['--profile', '/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner'],
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -              'binary': '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'},
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -  'capabilities': {'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--profile',
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                                                   '/tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner']}},
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -  'host': '',
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -  'port': 46671,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -  'timeout_multiplier': 1,
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -  'webdriver': {'args': ['-vv',
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                         '--binary',
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                         '/builds/worker/workspace/build/application/firefox/firefox'],
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -                'binary': '/builds/worker/fetches/geckodriver'}}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         multiplier = 1
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ in cleanup_session
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     _ensure_valid_window(session)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         _dismiss_user_prompts = <function ignore_exceptions.<locals>.inner at 0x7fc7e86d3950>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         _ensure_valid_window = <function ignore_exceptions.<locals>.inner at 0x7fc7e86d3a70>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         _restore_timeouts = <function ignore_exceptions.<locals>.inner at 0x7fc7e86d3b90>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         _restore_window_state = <function ignore_exceptions.<locals>.inner at 0x7fc7e86d3cb0>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         _restore_windows = <function ignore_exceptions.<locals>.inner at 0x7fc7e86d3dd0>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         session    = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ in inner
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     return f(*args, **kwargs)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         args       = (<Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>,)
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         f          = <function cleanup_session.<locals>._ensure_valid_window at 0x7fc7e86d39e0>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         kwargs     = {}
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     @ignore_exceptions
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -     def _ensure_valid_window(session):
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         """If current window was closed, ensure to have a valid one selected."""
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         try:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -             session.window_handle
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO -         except webdriver.NoSuchWindowException:
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - >           session.window_handle = session.handles[0]
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - E           IndexError: list index out of range
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - session    = <Session 4d57b1bc-14f3-4cd6-ae71-691874d96cc3>
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ IndexError
[task 2023-09-01T11:28:48.358Z] 11:28:48     INFO - mozcrash Downloading symbols from:
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:04.122Z] 11:29:04     INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: /builds/worker/fetches/minidump-stackwalk/minidump-stackwalk --symbols-url= --cyborg=/tmp/tmp4u40iaz3/2aa5bfa1-40e9-5d6e-f32c-ce7fe0935911.trace /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/minidumps/2aa5bfa1-40e9-5d6e-f32c-ce7fe0935911.dmp /tmp/tmp62mndqti
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.915Z] 11:29:08     INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/2aa5bfa1-40e9-5d6e-f32c-ce7fe0935911.dmp
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.916Z] 11:29:08     INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/2aa5bfa1-40e9-5d6e-f32c-ce7fe0935911.extra
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | MOZ_CRASH(Crash via about:crashcontent) [@ CrashChannel::OpenContentStream] | /_mozilla/webdriver/harness/ 
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Process type: content
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Process pid: None
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Mozilla crash reason: MOZ_CRASH(Crash via about:crashcontent)
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmpxrp_a1s7.mozrunner/minidumps/2aa5bfa1-40e9-5d6e-f32c-ce7fe0935911.dmp
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO -                   4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      family 6 model 85 stepping 7
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.977Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      4 CPUs
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.978Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Linux Ubuntu 18.04 - bionic (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS)
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.978Z] 11:29:08     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.978Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Crash reason:  SIGSEGV / SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.979Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Crash address: 0x0
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.979Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Crashing instruction: `mov dword [0x0], 0x31`
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.980Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Memory accessed by instruction:
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.980Z] 11:29:08     INFO -   0. Address: 0x0000000000000000
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.981Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      Size: 4
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.981Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.981Z] 11:29:08     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:08.982Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Thread 0 Web Content (crashed)
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO - 39  firefox-bin!_start + 0x28
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      rbx = 0x0000000000000000    rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      rsp = 0x00007ffe38bc30b0    r12 = 0x000055c8a1dbf0bf
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      r13 = 0x00007ffe38bc30c0    r14 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -      r15 = 0x0000000000000000    rip = 0x000055c8a1dbf0e8
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.004Z] 11:29:08     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.005Z] 11:29:08     INFO - 
[task 2023-09-01T11:29:09.005Z] 11:29:08     INFO - Thread 1 IPC I/O Child

We need better crash detection. That is being worked on hopefully soon on bug 1848850.

Depends on: 1848850

The problem here seems to be that the actual shutdown of Firefox for a content process crash has a little delay and because we are setting the pageLoadStrategy to none this bleeds into the teardown section of the test. And that doesn't match with the currently set expectations.

I'll check if the removal of none will help and that waiting for the navigation to finish hopefully reduces this race condition. I'll do it for both the content and parent process tests:

Assignee: nobody → hskupin
Points: --- → 1
Whiteboard: [webdriver:m11]
Pushed by
[wdspec] Stabilize crash tests for content and parent process crashes. r=webdriver-reviewers,jdescottes
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 128 Branch
See Also: → 1900066
No longer depends on: 1848850
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