Closed Bug 1851807 Opened 8 months ago Closed 7 months ago

CalDAV crash syncing with Horde Groupware


(Calendar :: Provider: CalDAV, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sysadmin, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce:

Syncing a calendar via CalDAV, either by waiting long enough, deleting the Calendar and recreating it, or hitting the sync option in the respective calendar menu. Then, or after the Thunderbird start you have 2-5 seconds till the crash. Setting the offline mode prevents the crash.

Actual results:

Thunderbird 115.0 - 115.2.0 crashes on Linux when syncing Horde (5.2.22) calendars via CalDAV. A Gnome message appears: "Thunderbird does not respond" and offers to close it. No bug reporter appears.
With Version 12 and below no problems showed. In 115 the issue persists in multiple versions since the release.
A Nextcloud calendar can be synced via CalDAV without problems.
This issue persists on at least two installations of Manjaro Linux (Gnome & KDE).
The same problem appears when when using the extension TbSync.
Workaroud: use a binary version of 102.

Expected results:

Calendar is synced.

Component: Untriaged → Provider: CalDAV
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar

This could be a duplicate of bug 1850732 which will be fixed in a future version of Thunderbird 115 but is already in the Thunderbird 118 Beta.

@DM: can you retry it with TB 115.3.3?

Flags: needinfo?(sysadmin)

I was in vacation and forgot to mention that 115.3.1 apparently did meanwhile solve the problem on the KDE Linux and so did it on my Gnome Linux now.
TB 115.3.3 has not yet arrived in Manjaro, so I would skip setting um the binary version when there is no further gain in testing 115.3.3. I can ask the KDE user, which solved bug solved it was, that made him try 115.3.1 again two or three weeks ago.
Thanks for the great work on the project.

Flags: needinfo?(sysadmin)
Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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