Closed Bug 1853741 Opened 9 months ago Closed 9 months ago

the youtube scrolling with screenreaders is broken again


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Firefox 117





(Reporter: ann.blind, Unassigned)




User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0

Steps to reproduce:

go to using nvda and the firefox web browser. scroll through my feed on youtube.

Actual results:

when i reach a certain point in my feed, it won't load more results anymore.

Expected results:

it should have loaded more results as i keep scrolling

Component: Untriaged → Disability Access APIs
Product: Firefox → Core

I can't reproduce this. If I go to and press control+end, I hit the bottom of the document. If I then wait a second and press down arrow, there is more content, indicating that the page has scrolled and new content has been loaded.

Are you using Firefox 117?
How are you scrolling through your feed? Are you just using the down arrow key or something else?

Depends on: 1843227
Flags: needinfo?(ann.blind)

i am scrolling through my feed using the h key. i also use the control end and then page down key but to no effect. i am using firefox version 117.0.1

Flags: needinfo?(ann.blind)

Marking s3 for now because the workaround seems to be scrolling with arrow keys.

Severity: -- → S3

If you follow these exact steps, do you get the same result or something different?

  1. Go to
  2. Press control+end.
  3. Wait 2 seconds.
  4. Press down arrow a few times, observing the speech each time.

Does NVDA keep reporting the same line in step 4 or does it report different lines?

Flags: needinfo?(ann.blind)

Hmm. It seems that whether it scrolls depends on the element you land on. If you land on the action menu button, it will scroll, but if you land on a link with a number of views, it won't. However, I notice similar inconsistency in Chrome as well. This leads me to think that YouTube only triggers infinite scroll if you land on certain kinds of elements. If that is true, I'm not sure there is much we can do about this.

Have you tried this in other browsers? Do you notice similar results or different?

chrome Version 117.0.5938.89 (Official Build) (64-bit) doesn't have that issue. when i do the steps that you mentioned, it scrolls. when i do the navigation with the h key it doesn't

Flags: needinfo?(ann.blind)

the bug is fixed. i don't know what youtube did but now it scrolles

Okay. Thank you. Closing for now. Please reopen if the problem resurfaces.

Closed: 9 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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