Open Bug 1856969 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Intermittent dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html on new Ubuntu 22.04 Wayland pool


(Core :: DOM: Animation, defect)





(Reporter: ahal, Unassigned)



This is happening on a new Ubuntu 22.04 Wayland enabled pool we're in the process of standing up.

Example failure log:

[task 2023-10-03T19:56:10.482Z] 19:56:10     INFO - TEST-START | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:11.939Z] 19:56:11     INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.433Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.433Z] 19:56:15     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 19:56:11
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.433Z] 19:56:15     INFO - add_task | Entering 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.433Z] 19:56:15     INFO - add_task | Leaving 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.433Z] 19:56:15     INFO - add_task | Entering restyling_for_main_thread_animations
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.434Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html | undefined assertion name 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.434Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html | Restyle counter should match number of markers recorded 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.435Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html | CSS animations running on the main-thread should update style on the main thread 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.437Z] 19:56:15     INFO - add_task | Leaving restyling_for_main_thread_animations
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.438Z] 19:56:15     INFO - add_task | Entering restyling_for_main_thread_animations_progress_bar_pseudo
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.439Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html | Restyle counter should match number of markers recorded 
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.440Z] 19:56:15     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/animation/test/mozilla/test_restyles.html | CSS animations running on the main-thread should update style on the main thread on ::-moz-progress-bar - got 4, expected 5
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     restyling_for_main_thread_animations_progress_bar_pseudo@dom/animation/test/mozilla/file_restyles.html:186:7
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     async*add_task/nextTick/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:2189:34
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     async*nextTick@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:2233:11
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     setTimeout handler*SimpleTest_setTimeoutShim@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:922:41
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     add_task@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:2137:17
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     @dom/animation/test/mozilla/file_restyles.html:138:11
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.447Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     waitForPaints@SimpleTest/paint_listener.js:90:14
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.451Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     waitForPaints/<@SimpleTest/paint_listener.js:77:22
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.451Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     setTimeout handler*paintListener@SimpleTest/paint_listener.js:44:14
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.451Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     EventListener.handleEvent*@SimpleTest/paint_listener.js:47:10
[task 2023-10-03T19:56:15.451Z] 19:56:15     INFO -     @SimpleTest/paint_listener.js:109:3

It's unclear whether this is a result of Wayland, upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 or hardware characteristics of the new workers. The test will be skipped on this new platform.

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:boris, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(boris.chiou)

Not sure about the orange factor, so mark S4 for now.

Severity: -- → S4
Flags: needinfo?(boris.chiou)
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