Open Bug 1860062 Opened 8 months ago Updated 2 days ago

Tighten GPU Sandbox Further


(Core :: Security: Process Sandboxing, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: cmartin, Assigned: cmartin)




(Keywords: parity-chrome)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

The GPU Sandbox can likely be tightened a little further, especially the access token. Let's crank up the sandbox a little more!

Depends on D191493

There are some r+ patches which didn't land and no activity in this bug for 2 weeks.
:cmartin, could you have a look please?
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Flags: needinfo?(davidp99)
Flags: needinfo?(cmartin)

Was on vacation for 2 weeks, waiting for next fork because I want this to ride the trains as long as possible.

Flags: needinfo?(davidp99)
Flags: needinfo?(cmartin)

I'm about to land this change, but before I do I just want to document how I arrived here, because I tried increasing the GPU sandbox past where it is in several ways, but all of them returned failures:

  • Job level: Currently at JOB_LIMITED_USER. Increasing one level to
    JOB_RESTRICTED prevented GPU process from accessing the hWnd of the
    compositor window. This was not fixed even if all UI restrictions were

    Interestingly, even getting rid of the few remaining UI exceptions (like
    the ability to shutdown windows) also broke things. It seems like Windows
    must disable some entire subsystem in an all-or-nothing fashion when all
    the required mitigations are enabled, and when we cross that line it
    breaks our GPU process.

  • Integrity Level: Currently at INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LOW. Increasing to
    INTEGRITY_LEVEL_UNTRUSTED caused VRShMem to stop initializing properly.

  • Delayed Integrity Level: Same as the initial Integrity Level.

  • Access Token: Currently at USER_RESTRICTED_SAME_ACCESS. Increasing to
    USER_NON_ADMIN prevented GPU process from accessing the hWnd of the
    compositor window.

  • Delayed Access Token: Currently at USER_RESTRICTED_NON_ADMIN. Increasing
    to USER_LIMITED was successful in my testing.

  • I did not play around too much with the OS-level mitigations, as none of
    them struck me as something that would help above-and-beyond what we
    already had.

So, overall the only headway I was able to make for Sandbox Level 2 was an increase in the Delayed Access Token from USER_RESTRICTED_NON_ADMIN to USER_LIMITED.

This is actually the same conclusion David Parks had reached when he worked on this years ago, so I guess it's nice to see two separate people arrive at the same conclusion 😎.

Pushed by
Minor Refactor of GPU Sandbox Initialize Code r=handyman
Tighten GPU Sandbox Further r=handyman
Closed: 6 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 122 Branch
Regressions: 1865770
Regressions: 1865819

(In reply to Chris Martin [:cmartin] from comment #5)

I'm about to land this change, but before I do I just want to document how I arrived here, because I tried increasing the GPU sandbox past where it is in several ways, but all of them returned failures:

How do our values for these things compare to Chrome's?

  • Integrity Level: Currently at INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LOW. Increasing to
    INTEGRITY_LEVEL_UNTRUSTED caused VRShMem to stop initializing properly.

We can probably disable/remove VRShMem if that will help here.

Regressions: 1865807, 1865835, 1865838

Requested backout, see regressions list

Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: 122 Branch → ---
Flags: needinfo?(cmartin)

(In reply to Jeff Muizelaar [:jrmuizel] from comment #8)

How do our values for these things compare to Chrome's?

This would have put us on par with Chrome.

We can probably disable/remove VRShMem if that will help here.

It might, but I'd have to test it. It's possible that if we remove VRShMem, something else would blow up instead.

Is there an easy way for me to disable it for testing purposes?

Closed: 6 months ago6 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 122 Branch
Flags: needinfo?(cmartin)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: 122 Branch → ---

(In reply to Chris Martin [:cmartin] from comment #11)

It might, but I'd have to test it. It's possible that if we remove VRShMem, something else would blow up instead.

Is there an easy way for me to disable it for testing purposes?

Commenting out EnsureVRManager() here might do the trick

Depends on: 1865973
Regressions: 1778299
No longer depends on: 1865973
Regressions: 1865973
Pushed by
Minor Refactor of GPU Sandbox Initialize Code r=handyman
Closed: 6 months ago6 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 122 Branch
No longer regressions: 1778299

Oops -- This wasn't meant to be closed when that change landed.

Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: 122 Branch → ---

Just to follow up on the status of this for the time being -- We were hoping that we could simply increase the sandbox level to '2' and have it Just Work™. The regressions above show that is not the case.

The VRShMem thing is fairly-easily worked around by disabling it (as Jeff Muizelaar suggested above), but the font stuff seems like it's pretty non-trivial to fix. We were able to reproduce some of the behavior locally, but we weren't able to reproduce the behavior seen in Bug 1865973, which was probably the worst of the bunch. It's possible that the effort to fix these regressions could be quite large.

For the time being, we're going to pause on this and open a JIRA ticket to start a discussion about the cost:benefit ratio of increasing the GPU Sandbox strength further.

Attachment #9359471 - Attachment is obsolete: true
See Also: → 1898708
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