Closed Bug 1861780 Opened 7 months ago Closed 4 months ago

Add code-review-bot to uplift repositories on Phabricator


(Conduit :: Phabricator, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


I used Lando to generate esr115 uplift phab-revisions in bug 1861259, but it turned out there were merge conflicts.

It would have been nice if the phab revision had warned me about this. I don't believe there was any UI shown in lando (or in phab when e.g. viewing the commit or filling out the uplift request) that alerted me to this.

I'm guessing (?) that the issue might be that Lando doesn't automatically rebase, but instead submits the commits parented off of their original mozilla-central parent, as a commit elsewhere in mozilla-unified, maybe?

Note: don't be fooled by this error that's currently shown on (and only just appeared recently):

WARNING: The code review bot failed to apply your patch because the parent revision (64d8108d8774e55e8d6555f72dd37ecfb21713f2) does not exist on mozilla-unified. If possible, you should publish that revision.

That's similar to the sort of error that I would have hoped to see there in the first place, to let me know that there were (originally) some merge conflicts. But it wasn't there, and in fact it only just appeared after I rebased the patch onto a supporting patch locally (specifically , which is now 64d8108d8774e55e8d6555f72dd37ecfb21713f2 in my local tree.)

Anyway: the presence-of-that-error is not a huge deal; ideally it would go away after I hooked set up the parent-revision relationship to D192116, but it's fine. Mostly mentioning it since it superficially looks like it's the exact thing I'm requesting in comment 0 here, but in fact it's not (since it only appeared when I partially rebased and resubmitted the patch from moz-phab locally).

We'll need to add the following repositories to the build plan for code-review-bot in Phab once it's ready to accept (see

  • mozilla-beta
  • mozilla-release
  • mozilla-esr115
Component: General → Phabricator
Summary: Uplift automation from Lando didn't detect merge conflicts when generating uplift phab revision → Add code-review-bot to uplift repositories on Phabricator

After a bit of testing on mozilla-beta, all the uplift repositories are now hooked up to code-review-bot.

Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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