Asseco DS / Certum: TLS EV certificates with incorrect Subject attribute order
(CA Program :: CA Certificate Compliance, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: aleksandra.kurosz, Assigned: aleksandra.kurosz)
(Whiteboard: [ca-compliance] [ev-misissuance])
(2 files)
Incident Report
This is a preliminary report.
During the weekly Bugzilla review, Certum's compliance team verified that Certum issued a number of EV TLS certificates with incorrect relative ordering of entity attributes, similar to bug 1864204. The error has been fixed and certificates issued after this fix have a correct relative order of attributes. Full incident report will be provided no later than November 23th.
Updated•1 year ago
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Comment 1•1 year ago
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Comment 2•1 year ago
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Comment 3•1 year ago
We have no additional updates for this bug.
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Comment 4•1 year ago
We have no additional updates for this bug. If there are no questions are we fine to close this bug?
All certificates involved in the incident were revoked in time
I opened three random certificates from the list of impacted certificates.
Assuming we start counting from 8:30 UTC (9:30 UTC+1) 2023-11-16
It seems like none of them were revoked in the 120 hour time frame?
Comment 7•1 year ago
If that is the case, then Asseco/Certum will need to file another bug to address the delayed revocation.
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Comment 8•1 year ago
Our understanding was based on counting full days, and as per our records, the problem was acknowledged on 16.11.2023. We considered the full day of 21.11.2023 and subsequently revoked all certificates on that day, meeting the 5-day baseline requirement. The revocations were completed on 21.11.2023.
If there is a specific reference to 120 hours that we may have missed, we would appreciate clarification. As it stands, we believe we followed the correct procedure according to the information available.
If you think we need to report a new issue about this, we're okay with that. In that case, we would recommend adding the specific 120-hour requirement to the baseline instructions so that everyone understands it better in the future.
If there is a specific reference to 120 hours that we may have missed, we would appreciate clarification.
Comment 10•1 year ago
Given the ambiguity of the language in section of the BRs and its susceptibility to an interpretation that "day" could mean a calendar day, I'm inclined to not require that an additional bug be filed.
Comment 11•1 year ago
Is there any precedent for that interpretation/ambiguity? I don't think I've ever come across that view into what "day" means.
Considering the BRs specifically specify hours for the 24 hour section in that same section, I don't think its reasonable to interpret the BRs as "calendar day".
Comment 12•1 year ago
The Baseline Requirements could have been written to say 120 hours, but they weren't. I suppose we ought to look at the definition of "day" and determine whether it runs from midnight to midnight and if so, then for what time zone?
Comment 13•1 year ago
Let's look at the sentence in the BRs:
With the exception of Short-lived Subscriber Certificates, the CA SHOULD revoke a certificate within 24 hours and MUST revoke a Certificate within 5 days and use the corresponding CRLReason (see Section 7.2.2) if one or more of the following occurs:
Why are we over-complicating this definition with timezones?
The same sentence specifies 24 hours as a SHOULD, and 5 days as a MUST. It is not only reasonable to read 5 days as 24*5, but I'd go as far as saying it is unreasonable to read 5 days and try to bring in timezones into it. Days here is a mark of duration, and not a mark of relativity to your jurisdiction.
If there is no precedent reading this line as "5 but also maybe more" days, then I strongly disagree with introducing that precedent here.
Comment 14•1 year ago
Here's some historical discussions that had happened over the definition of time:
Looking at the BR's closely, there is this section that also defines a day as 86,400 seconds:
Comment 15•1 year ago
(In reply to Ben Wilson from comment #12)
The Baseline Requirements could have been written to say 120 hours, but they weren't. I suppose we ought to look at the definition of "day" and determine whether it runs from midnight to midnight and if so, then for what time zone?
Given the context, I'm struggling to see the sense in that interpretation. Why would the clock start ticking at midnight? That would mean the 24 hour clock starts at one point in time and the 5 day clock at another. Would it start the following midnight or the preceding midnight?
Interpreting it as an interval, it seems pretty clear: 5 * 24 86400 seconds. If the clock starts ticking at 1:23 AM UTC on Monday, the interval has lapsed at 1:23 AM UTC on Saturday. That's the only interpretation that doesn't give rise to ambiguity, fits with the context, and aligns with definitions given elsewhere in the BRs.
Comment 16•1 year ago
At the time of, it was clear that the 5-day revocation window ended at the same time of day as it began (03:00 UTC in that case). In other words, four years ago it was undisputed that the revocation window was 120 hours. The phrasing of this section of the BRs has not changed since that time.
Comment 17•1 year ago
Does Asseco/Certum have responses to the points raised in Comments 13-16?
Comment 18•1 year ago
You can also find some relevant discussions in the following CA/B Forum threads from 2021 related to ballot SC-52:
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Comment 19•1 year ago
We understand presented arguments and agree that our interpretation of the 5 days was incorrect. However, we would like to draw attention to the fact that this term is not precise and may be misleading, because one entry in the BR refers to hours and the other to days, which may indicate that these dates should be treated differently.
We have created a bug for the delay in revocations:
Comment 20•1 year ago
FWIW I agree with Ben's interpretation that the BRs are silent on the exact duration of 5 days. During the discussion for SC-52 (which didn't make progress as no consensus was reached), the SCWG made a clear decision to add specific duration (in seconds) for specific requirements, namely the "validity" and OCSP nextUpdate. The SCWG did not expand the 1'' specificity for any time interval (day, 5 days, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, etc).
I agree that CAs should err towards the strictest interpretation of those time intervals but the current language could be interpreted to mean 5 calendar days instead of 5x24 hours or 432000 seconds.
Comment 21•1 year ago
Because Bug #1871393 has been opened, I'll close this matter.
Comment 22•1 year ago
During the discussion of Ballot SC-52, Tim Hollebeek said:
As a practical matter, though, if you don’t measure 24 hours or five days to revoke a certificate down to the second, you’re already in trouble, as plenty of incidents have already been filed for missing revocation deadlines by fairly small time periods
Additionally, discussions of Ballot SC-52 during CABF meetings make it clear that participants considered the ballot to be a clarification, not a change, albeit a clarification that many CAs might not be expecting:
Clint: I tend to agree with you Tim just having this out of the way and clarified seems worthwhile.
Most of the objections to precise measurements of time are regarding scheduling recurring tasks, like audit reports.
Dimitris: The problem is that the tools that are out there whenever you need to schedule something, and that was exactly the reason why I switched from a specific number of days in Network security requirements to months was preciously to avoid that. For example, you calculate that you need to execute a script once a month at the first day of every month, sometimes it will be 31 days sometimes 30 and that is ok, but if you want to be precise to the days it creates difficulties in many different systems.
These are already handled by building some extra days into the relevant deadlines: validation documents being valid for 398 days instead of 365, audit reports not being due until 90 days after the audit period ends, etc.
I agree that the BRs need to be clearer here so that incidents like this don't reoccur. But claiming that the BRs actually allow validation documents to be used 398.5 days after they're obtained, or that random values can be used for 30.5 days, or that CRLs can be re-issued every 4.5 days, or that revocations to happen 5.5 days after they're requested, (i.e. claiming that this is not in fact an incident) appears ahistorical.
To provide greater clarity in the BRs, I have created, and will ask for endorsers to make it a full ballot.
Comment 23•1 year ago
We will need to make things a bit more specific because this "catch-all" definition that extends to NetSec was the problematic point during SC-52. Specifying the period of a day to 86400 seconds and extend that to all the time measurements of "day" (1 day, 2 days,.... 5 days, 30 days, 398 days), is ok. We must be careful how to interpret weeks, months, years and not to link the accuracy of the "day" to those other cases (week, month, year).
I prefer to continue this conversation at the SCWG but you can count me in as a supporter of such a ballot.
Comment 24•1 year ago
We have no additional updates for this bug.
Comment 25•1 year ago
Unless there are any objections, I will close this item on Wed. 3-Jan-2024.
Updated•1 year ago