Closed Bug 1867578 Opened 6 months ago Closed 2 months ago

Comment in the contributor forum is gone!


( :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kiki, Unassigned)



(2 files)

Recently, I noticed that a few contributor forums (not all) lost their comment. This seems to happen randomly (or at least I can't notice any patterns from those that have this problem).

Steps to reproduce:
Go to a contributor forum and select a thread. For example:

Expected result:
You'll see content on that thread.

Actual outcome:
The page mentioned: "Oh, no! Looks like there are no posts!"

Could this be that users tried to post to these thread on the 28th of November a little after 4PM UTC? During that time, the platform transitioned to a read-only state where no writes were going through. If everything else is working and those posts happened on that day, I would monitor the situation for other occurrences but most probably it was just a matter of bad timing

(In reply to Tasos Katsoulas [:tasos] from comment #1)

Could this be that users tried to post to these thread on the 28th of November a little after 4PM UTC? During that time, the platform transitioned to a read-only state where no writes were going through.

It could be the case for some. However, I know for sure that at least a few of the impacted threads were posted way before the migration.

It doesn't look like "posting in transition time". I'm attaching a screenshot. There's are threads (one has nothing, one has only the leading post, one has an answer), where there should be one. It looks like a select/join issue.

Luckily there's only several impacted threads,

It seems that some threads (those I mentioned above) have been gone for good and some threads can be accessed normally by now. Two sample threads that are fine now:

It can also be that the threads I mentioned above were not real threads (duplicated somehow due to a glitch or something). Resolving this as Worksforme for now. Otherwise, feel free to reopen if we believe that this issue persists.

Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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