Open Bug 1871881 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 day ago

Make inspector "search HTML" feature able to use :has() and such selectors


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: emilio, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


According to bug 418039 comment 88, it doesn't work, and some other combinators are suggested, but also don't work. Not sure if this is intended so filing as a defect for now.

See Also: → has-pseudo
Blocks: has-issues

So, the search seems to work in some cases for me, but only if I add a space after the closing paren.

Also, the suggestion popup acts super weirdly. For example, on data:text/html,<meta charset=utf8><body><main>hello, if I type :has(body, there's no suggestion shown at any point. But then, as soon as I enter the closing paren, the suggestion does appear, but:

  • it is visually truncated
  • if I hit enter, the input value is set to body ?!

I'll look into those issues

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
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