Open Bug 1872998 Opened 1 year ago Updated 3 months ago

OpenSC 0.24.0 client side TLS certificate leads to network timeout


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P5)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jona, Unassigned)





(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0

Steps to reproduce:

I'm using a YubiKey to authenticate myself to a web server which requires client-side TLS certificates for authentication. This worked fine with OpenSC version 0.23.0 (on MacOS and Linux (Windows untested)), but yields a timeout error on OpenSC version 0.24.0.

You can work around this issue by going to Settings -> Security Devices (under Certificates) -> Select the Smartcard under the OpenSC module -> Log In.
This will prompt the pin and after completing the login everything works as expected.

Actual results:

Opening an website which is protected by client-side TLS certificate authentication yields an network timeout error after 5 to 10 seconds. No PIN/Password prompt for the smart card is shown.

Expected results:

A PIN/Password prompt for the smartcard should be shown. After entering the correct PIN the page should load.

Moving this to Core and waiting for the developer's opinion about it.
If this is not the correct component, please feel free to change it to a more appropriate one. Thanks

Component: Untriaged → DOM: Web Authentication
Product: Firefox → Core

Have you opened an issue with OpenSC?

Component: DOM: Web Authentication → Security: PSM
Flags: needinfo?(jona)

No I have not. It works fine with Chromium Version 120.0.6099.216 on the same system. Although Chromium does not even prompt me to enter a PIN, which is a bit odd.

Flags: needinfo?(jona)

That was me indirectly asking you to please open an issue with OpenSC, since version 0.23.0 works but 0.24.0 doesn't.

Flags: needinfo?(jona)
Flags: needinfo?(jona)

Results of the OpenSC issue:

It looks like Firefox is not handling the Card Authentication (9e) slot of Yubikey correctly. This slot is special as it does not require a PIN for private key operations (see Moving the client side TLS certificate from the Card Authentication slot (9e) to any other slot which does require PIN entry (e.g. Key Management) will resolve the issue.

So I suppose the actual expected result should be:
No PIN/Password prompt is shown, the page loads normally.

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:keeler, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)

Can you run Firefox with the environment variable MOZ_LOG set to pipnss:4, MOZ_LOG_FILE set to some path you can log to, attempt to connect to the server, and attach the resulting file here?

Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler) → needinfo?(jona)
Attached file MOZ_LOG="pipnss:4"

Seems logging to a file is broken. I tried the following

  1. Close all firefox processes
  2. Run MOZ_LOG="pipnss:4" MOZ_LOG_FILE="/home/user/firefox.log" /usr/lib/firefox/firefox 'https://server.domain.tld'
  3. Wait for timeout
  4. Close firefox (via the close button on the window)

Log file seems truncated randomly at the end, no idea why. Worked around it by logging to stdout (MOZ_LOG_FILE=/dev/stdout)

I attached the log output as file.

The browser gets stuck on
[Parent 568653: Socket Thread]: D/pipnss [7a3a61880190] ClientAuthCertificateSelected mTlsHandshakeCallback=7a3a5385cd80
and after the timeout it prints
[Parent 568653: Socket Thread]: D/pipnss [7a3a61880190] Shutting down socket

Flags: needinfo?(jona)

Thanks! Looks like the issue is either in NSS or, again, this is an OpenSC problem (or yubikey - have you tried with another smartcard?)

Assignee: nobody → nobody
Component: Security: PSM → Libraries
Product: Core → NSS
Version: Firefox 121 → unspecified

Another idea - could you get a stack trace of all stacks when the browser hangs?

Flags: needinfo?(jona)

Attached the GDB backtrace of all threads

Flags: needinfo?(jona)
Severity: -- → S4
Priority: -- → P5
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


