Open Bug 1873197 Opened 5 months ago Updated 4 months ago

[Ubuntu] Success message is not announced by ORCA when a report is successfully submitted via new Report Broken Site in 1/3 entry points


(Firefox :: General, defect)




Accessibility Severity s3
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- disabled
firefox121 --- disabled
firefox122 --- affected
firefox123 --- affected


(Reporter: danibodea, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access)

Found in

  • Beta v122.0b2

Affected versions

  • Nightly v123.0a1
  • Beta v122.0b1, v122.0b5


  • Make sure: = true

Steps to reproduce

  1. Ensure ORCA is running
  2. From any site, open a new Report Broken Site tool (from the MenuBar/Help/Report Broken Site!)
  3. Fill in the form with test data
  4. Navigate to and press Send button with keyboard navigation
  5. Observe the announcement of the screen reader

Expected result

  • Screen reader announces that the report is successfully sent, the screen reader announces the success message, at minimum the text that is visually a title of the dialog: Success: Your report has been sent

Actual result

  • Screen reader only announces the Okay, button (where the focus is placed), all of the above content that includes essential status data of the report is ignored.

Regression range

  • Not a regr5ession but an implementation flaw.

Additional notes

  • This issue only occurs if the Webcompat Reporter Tool is opened from the MenuBar/Help/Report Broken Site and not if opened from the HamburgerMenu or ProtectionPanel.

:danibodea, if you think that's a regression, could you try to find a regression range using for example mozregression?

Setting up accessibility severity to s3 because the dialog can be explored with a screen reader

Accessibility Severity: --- → s3

The severity field for this bug is set to S4. However, the accessibility severity is higher, .
:mossop, could you consider increasing the severity?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)
Severity: S4 → S3
Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)

The fix in bug 1877814 should also fix this, but I can't find a simple way to fix it otherwise.

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