Closed Bug 1875289 Opened 4 months ago Closed 4 months ago

"unsupported protocol for sourcemap request webpack"


(Developer Infrastructure :: Firefox Source Docs: Content, defect)

Firefox 105


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: descartavel1, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0

Steps to reproduce:

Error in title Can be triggered on projects such as

Firefox dev tools correctly shows the bundles and a webpack group in the source trees.

Clicking the bundles with minified code, the pretty print button is disabled and says it cannot be enabled with "valid source maps".

the source map in question is

Navigating the Webpack group in the source tree shows all the files and node_modules, all correctly. But clicking on any file will just show:

Error while fetching an original source: unsupported protocol for sourcemap request webpack://element-web/node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/src/components/views/rooms/BasicMessageComposer.tsx
Source URL: webpack://element-web/node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/src/components/views/rooms/BasicMessageComposer.tsx

Also, to make matters worse, If right click the file in the source tree under the "webpack" group, and select the right source file locally, then the local file gets its content replace with the above quoted protocol error message!

Actual results:

cannot see mapped source nor prettified source.

Expected results:

I should be able to see either mapped source or prettified source. And Not have local files overridden with the error i was trying to override.

Never mind, the sourcemaps i was looking at did not include any sane way to translate those webpack pseudo urls into any possible real url anyway.

Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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