Add UTF-8 support to js-string-builtins
(Core :: JavaScript: WebAssembly, task, P2)
(Reporter: rhunt, Assigned: jerome)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(1 file)
The Encoding API
builtin modules defined in the proposal add support for UTF-8 encoding through:
- wasm:text-decoder" "decodeStringFromUTF8Array
- "wasm:text-encoder" "measureStringAsUTF8"
- "wasm:text-encoder" "encodeStringIntoUTF8Array"
- "wasm:text-encoder" "encodeStringToUTF8Array"
Comment 1•7 months ago
Per, we are not doing this for the JS string builtins proposal, and the design of these builtins will likely be re-evaluated later.
Updated•7 months ago
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Comment 3•7 months ago
Hi Jerome, thanks for this patch! As Ben says, I think we'll want to re-evaluate the design of these builtins, so I don't think we can merge this right now. I'm hoping to get js-string-builtins to phase 4 at the next CG, but after that I want to champion another builtins proposal and would be happy to include the text-encoder/decoder stuff in that.
Comment 4•7 months ago
A patch has been attached on this bug, which was already closed. Filing a separate bug will ensure better tracking. If this was not by mistake and further action is needed, please alert the appropriate party. (Or: if the patch doesn't change behavior -- e.g. landing a test case, or fixing a typo -- then feel free to disregard this message)
Hi Ryan,
I understand that you want to get js-string-builtins to move forward rapidly. I hope this patch can be useful for the next builtins proposals.