Open Bug 1879667 Opened 3 months ago Updated 11 days ago

Need a way to record experiment information in the serp category ping


(Firefox :: Search, task, P3)





(Reporter: wstuckey, Assigned: scunnane)



(Whiteboard: [sng])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

We will want a method for including specific experiment information in the SERP category ping. Because the ohttp pings will not include ping_info metadata, which currently contains all experiments a client is enrolled in, we need some way to record that the client is enrolled in a specific experiment & branch.

A possible (maybe) path would be a boolean nimbus variable that turned on experiment logging for the experiment that sets the value.

We'll need a bit more investigation around ensuring we can get the experiment stub and branch names.

Also might be worth a Privacy review to ensure that this isn't a fingerprinting vector.

Severity: -- → N/A
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [sng]

Any update on this?

Flags: needinfo?(cbellini)
Assignee: nobody → scunnane
Component: Address Bar → Search
Flags: needinfo?(cbellini)

For the record, there are Glean APIs for setting (but not getting) the experiments block, and their are Nimbus APIs for getting. See for example usage, namely

Very helpful - thanks for the clarification, Nick.

Wil, for this patch I'm now planning to allow the single experiment to be specified via the Nimbus config, within the recipe JSON in the Experimenter UI. So for a given feature object, you'd ensure that the following key-value pairs appear:

"featureId": "search",
"value": {
   "targetExperiment": "dummy-experiment"

Then the following info would come back as a new Glean object metric added to the custom SERP categorization ping:

  slug: "dummy-experiment",
  isActive: true,
  branch: "control"

Is this what you have in mind?

Flags: needinfo?(wstuckey)

looks great, thank you

Flags: needinfo?(wstuckey)
Attachment #9401190 - Attachment is obsolete: true
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