Open Bug 1881452 Opened 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago

Mozilla crashing on certain websites


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

Firefox 116





(Reporter: buntyhuzaifa3, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/

Steps to reproduce:

I opened the UBL site

Actual results:

The mozilla stopped execution and crashed.

Expected results:

It should have rendered the site

Hello! I have tried to reproduce the issue with firefox 125.0a1(2024-02-21) on Ubuntu 22.04, unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on my end.
Could you please answer the following questions in order to further investigate this issue:

  1. Does this issue happen with a new profile? Here is a link on how to create one:
  2. Does this issue happen in the latest nightly? Here is a link from where you can download it:
  3. Do you have any addons installed? If yes could you please list them?
  4. Could you please provide more detailed steps on how to reproduce the issue?
Flags: needinfo?(buntyhuzaifa3)
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