Open Bug 1882794 Opened 11 months ago Updated 4 months ago

Gecko application frames, panels, et al. fire accessible events from an app is not registered with the AT-SPI desktop


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)





(Reporter: jdiggs, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch the attached pyatspi accessible-event listener in a terminal
  2. Launch a variety of apps including Firefox and/or Thunderbird
  3. Alt+Tab among all the apps

Expected results: The listener would not print any errors

Actual results: The listener prints errors, but only for Gecko apps.

Sample output from Firefox Nightly (but also happens with stable):

ERROR: Got object:state-changed:focused event from [panel | ] but [application | firefox-nightly] is not in desktop
ERROR: Got object:state-changed:active event from [frame | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia — Firefox Nightly] but [application | firefox-nightly] is not in desktop
ERROR: Got object:state-changed:iconified event from [frame | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia — Firefox Nightly] but [application | firefox-nightly] is not in desktop

Sample output from Thunderbird stable (but also happens with Daily):

ERROR: Got object:visible-data-changed event from [frame | Home - Mozilla Thunderbird] but [application | thunderbird] is not in desktop
ERROR: Got object:state-changed:focused event from [panel | ] but [application | thunderbird] is not in desktop
ERROR: Got object:state-changed:active event from [frame | Home - Mozilla Thunderbird] but [application | thunderbird] is not in desktop
ERROR: Got object:state-changed:focused event from [panel | ] but [application | thunderbird] is not in desktop

Notes: This is not a new regression. I've have been trying to work around this in Orca for years. I more or less am, but there are associated bugs. And I just discovered some new bugs this week that appear to be due to some events coming from a Gecko app that is registered, and others coming from a Gecko app that is not registered. Plus, having to sanity check all events from Gecko apps and try to correct for this bug is bad for performance.

Jamie: Any chance of a fix in the near future? Thanks in advance!

Accessibility Severity: --- → s3
Severity: -- → S3
Accessibility Severity: s3 → ---
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