Closed Bug 1889047 Opened 3 months ago Closed 3 months ago

Revise flex container log


(Core :: Layout: Flexbox, task)




126 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox126 --- fixed


(Reporter: TYLin, Assigned: TYLin)



(2 files)

No description provided.
  • Add FLEX_ITEM_LOG so that the log print starts from "Flex item". Visually,
    this better groups the operations of the same flex item together than those
    "for flex item" at the end of the sentence.
  • Make FLEX_LOGV indent with two spaces, and change all the FLEX_LOG logs
    with indentation to FLEX_LOGV.
Assignee: nobody → aethanyc
Attached file Sample flex container

Open the testcase. Log print with current m-c looks like:

D/FlexContainer Reflow() for nsFlexContainerFrame 7f703cc14b38
V/FlexContainer Set flex base size: 12000, hypothetical main size: 12000 for flex item 7f703cc14bf0
V/FlexContainer Resolving auto main size or auto min main size for flex item 7f703cc14bf0
D/FlexContainer Measuring flex item's content block-size
V/FlexContainer  Cross size override: 59400
D/FlexContainer [perf] MeasureBSizeForFlexItem didn't have a cached value
V/FlexContainer  Content size suggestion: 1140
V/FlexContainer  Resolved auto min main size: 1140
D/FlexContainer Resolving flexible lengths for items
D/FlexContainer  available free space: 18000; flex items should "grow"
D/FlexContainer  Distributing available space:
D/FlexContainer   flex item 7f703cc14bf0 receives 18000, for a total of 30000
D/FlexContainer  Checking for violations:
D/FlexContainer  Total violation: 0
D/FlexContainer [perf] Flex item 7f703cc14bf0 needed both a measuring reflow and a final reflow due to measured size disagreeing with final size
D/FlexContainer Doing final reflow for flex item 7f703cc14bf0
V/FlexContainer  Main size (block-size) override: 30000
V/FlexContainer  Cross size (inline-size) override: 59400
D/FlexContainer Reflowing flex item 7f703cc14bf0 at its desired position (180,180)

With the proposed patch, log print looks like:

D/FlexContainer Reflowing flex container frame 7f5fef8b7b38 ...
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: Set flex base size: 12000, hypothetical main size: 12000
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: Resolving auto main size? no; resolving auto min main size? yes
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: Measuring item's content block-size
V/FlexContainer   Cross size override: 59400
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: [perf] No cached measurement
V/FlexContainer   Content size suggestion: 1140
V/FlexContainer   Resolved auto min main size: 1140
D/FlexContainer Resolving flexible lengths for items
V/FlexContainer   Available free space: 18000; flex items should "grow"
V/FlexContainer   Distributing available space:
V/FlexContainer     Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0 receives 18000, for a total of 30000
V/FlexContainer   Checking for violations:
V/FlexContainer   Total violation: 0
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: [perf] Item needed both a measuring reflow and a final reflow due to measured size disagreeing with final size
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: Doing final reflow
V/FlexContainer   Main size (block-size) override: 30000
V/FlexContainer   Cross size (inline-size) override: 59400
D/FlexContainer Flex item 7f5fef8b7bf0: Reflowing item at its desired position (180,180)
Pushed by
Revise flex container log. r=dholbert
Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 126 Branch
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