Open Bug 1893223 Opened 10 days ago Updated 5 days ago

Some marionette manifests are not included by the master manifest


(Testing :: Marionette Client and Harness, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: gbrown, Unassigned)



In bug 1892038 we noticed that some marionette tests could not be run in CI because they were not included in testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit-tests.toml. It is not clear to me if all marionette manifests should be included there or not, so just noting here for someone to review and consider.**manifest*.toml&case=true&regexp=false

Is this a correct assessment of the issue? It is surprising to learn that the file needs to be listed here. In other test types, listing it in the directory-specific toml file is enough for it to be picked up in CI.

I previously wondered about the test selection behavior (locally) at

If it ultimately turns out that the test needs to be listed in unit-tests.toml, then that should be documents.

See Also: → 1892038

As we discussed we do not have the time to change the underlying packaging behavior for Marionette tests. As such we suggest that the unit-test.toml file gets updated so that it contains all the missing references to tests that are not run yet in CI. As suggested we should also document that and maybe this could directly be done in the same file.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
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