Closed Bug 1893362 Opened 2 months ago Closed 2 months ago

Perma Documentation sphinx.errors.ExtensionError: Handler <function analyze at 0x7f1a4c3d3880> for event 'builder-inited' threw an exception (exception: Rule 'name' didn't match at '' (line 1, column 61).)


(Firefox :: Profile Backup, defect, P5)




127 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox125 --- unaffected
firefox126 --- unaffected
firefox127 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: mconley)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)


(1 file)

Filed by: ctuns [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.273Z] Creating file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/docs-out/html/_staging/python/marionette_driver.rst.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.358Z] myst v2.0.0: MdParserConfig(commonmark_only=False, gfm_only=False, enable_extensions=set(), disable_syntax=[], all_links_external=False, url_schemes=('http', 'https', 'mailto', 'ftp'), ref_domains=None, fence_as_directive=set(), number_code_blocks=[], title_to_header=False, heading_anchors=5, heading_slug_func=None, html_meta={}, footnote_transition=True, words_per_minute=200, substitutions={}, linkify_fuzzy_links=True, dmath_allow_labels=True, dmath_allow_space=True, dmath_allow_digits=True, dmath_double_inline=False, update_mathjax=True, mathjax_classes='tex2jax_process|mathjax_process|math|output_area', enable_checkboxes=False, suppress_warnings=[], highlight_code_blocks=True)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.980Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: FileMigrators.sys.mjs, line: 60
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.981Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: FileMigrators.sys.mjs, line: 66
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.987Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: FileMigrators.sys.mjs, line: 122
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:14.988Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: FileMigrators.sys.mjs, line: 132
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:15.851Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs in line 1016 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ quickSuggestNonSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestDataCollectionEnabled: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ quickSuggestNonSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestDataCollectionEnabled: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:15.853Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs in line 1024 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ quickSuggestNonSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestDataCollectionEnabled: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ quickSuggestNonSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestSponsoredEnabled: string; quickSuggestDataCollectionEnabled: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:15.970Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarProviderInterventions.sys.mjs in line 461 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ NONE: string; CLEAR: string; REFRESH: string; UPDATE_ASK: string; UPDATE_CHECKING: string; UPDATE_REFRESH: string; UPDATE_RESTART: string; UPDATE_WEB: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ NONE: string; CLEAR: string; REFRESH: string; UPDATE_ASK: string; UPDATE_CHECKING: string; UPDATE_REFRESH: string; UPDATE_RESTART: string; UPDATE_WEB: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:15.976Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarProviderInterventions.sys.mjs in line 466 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ NONE: string; CLEAR: string; REFRESH: string; UPDATE_ASK: string; UPDATE_CHECKING: string; UPDATE_REFRESH: string; UPDATE_RESTART: string; UPDATE_WEB: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ NONE: string; CLEAR: string; REFRESH: string; UPDATE_ASK: string; UPDATE_CHECKING: string; UPDATE_REFRESH: string; UPDATE_RESTART: string; UPDATE_WEB: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:16.152Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarProviderSearchTips.sys.mjs in line 121 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ NONE: string; ONBOARD: string; PERSIST: string; REDIRECT: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ NONE: string; ONBOARD: string; PERSIST: string; REDIRECT: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:16.155Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarProviderSearchTips.sys.mjs in line 126 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ NONE: string; ONBOARD: string; PERSIST: string; REDIRECT: string; }}": Invalid type expression "{ NONE: string; ONBOARD: string; PERSIST: string; REDIRECT: string; }": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:16.388Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs in line 2183 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ href: string; isSearch: boolean; }?}": Invalid type expression "{ href: string; isSearch: boolean; }?": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:16.391Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/urlbar/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs in line 2191 with tag title "returns" and text "{{ href: string; isSearch: boolean; }?}": Invalid type expression "{ href: string; isSearch: boolean; }?": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but ";" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.670Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsChild.sys.mjs in line 5 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ConduitsParent.sys.mjs").ConduitAddress} ConduitAddress": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsParent.sys.mjs").ConduitAddress": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.670Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsChild.sys.mjs in line 5 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ConduitsParent.sys.mjs").ConduitID} ConduitID": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsParent.sys.mjs").ConduitID": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.687Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 78
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.692Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 79
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.693Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 81
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.694Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 82
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.695Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 84
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.695Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 85
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.697Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 87
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.698Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ConduitsParent.sys.mjs, line: 88
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.715Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 350 with tag title "typedef" and text "{{response?: any, received?: boolean}} Response": Invalid type expression "{response?: any, received?: boolean}": Expected "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "?" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.715Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 350 with tag title "param" and text "{Promise<Response>[]} promises": Invalid type expression "Promise<Response>[]": Expected "!", "=", "?", "|", or end of input but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.716Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 358 with tag title "typedef" and text "{{response?: any, received?: boolean}} Response": Invalid type expression "{response?: any, received?: boolean}": Expected "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "?" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.717Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 358 with tag title "param" and text "{Promise<Response>[]} promises": Invalid type expression "Promise<Response>[]": Expected "!", "=", "?", "|", or end of input but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.719Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 406 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData} data": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.719Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 413 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData} data": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.721Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 443 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData}": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.721Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs in line 451 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData}": Invalid type expression "import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").MessageData": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.783Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: Extension.sys.mjs, line: 899
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.784Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: Extension.sys.mjs, line: 900
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.809Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2083 with tag title "type" and text "{(InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>)[]}": Invalid type expression "(InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>)[]": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.810Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2084 with tag title "type" and text "{(InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>)[]}": Invalid type expression "(InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>)[]": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.839Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2855 with tag title "type" and text "{import("ExtensionShortcuts.sys.mjs").ExtensionShortcuts}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionShortcuts.sys.mjs").ExtensionShortcuts": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.840Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2856 with tag title "type" and text "{import("ExtensionShortcuts.sys.mjs").ExtensionShortcuts}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionShortcuts.sys.mjs").ExtensionShortcuts": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.841Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2861 with tag title "type" and text "{(options?: { ignoreDevToolsAttached?: boolean, disableResetIdleForTest?: boolean }) => Promise}": Invalid type expression "(options?: { ignoreDevToolsAttached?: boolean, disableResetIdleForTest?: boolean }) => Promise": Expected ")", "=", or "|" but ":" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.841Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Extension.sys.mjs in line 2862 with tag title "type" and text "{(options?: { ignoreDevToolsAttached?: boolean, disableResetIdleForTest?: boolean }) => Promise}": Invalid type expression "(options?: { ignoreDevToolsAttached?: boolean, disableResetIdleForTest?: boolean }) => Promise": Expected ")", "=", or "|" but ":" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.913Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionChild.sys.mjs in line 487 with tag title "type" and text "{InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>[]}": Invalid type expression "InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>[]": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.914Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionChild.sys.mjs in line 488 with tag title "type" and text "{InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>[]}": Invalid type expression "InstanceType<typeof ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager>[]": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.926Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionChildDevToolsUtils.sys.mjs in line 80 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").DevToolsContextChild} context
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.927Z]        The newly created devtools page context.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").DevToolsContextChild": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.927Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionChildDevToolsUtils.sys.mjs in line 89 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").DevToolsContextChild} context
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.927Z]        The newly created devtools page context.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").DevToolsContextChild": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.989Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 777 with tag title "param" and text "{[any, callback?, number?]} args for JSON.stringify()": Invalid type expression "[any, callback?, number?]": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:17.991Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 784 with tag title "param" and text "{[any, callback?, number?]} args for JSON.stringify()": Invalid type expression "[any, callback?, number?]": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.006Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1478 with tag title "param" and text "{import("Schemas.sys.mjs").SchemaInject} [schema]": Invalid type expression "import("Schemas.sys.mjs").SchemaInject": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.006Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1486 with tag title "param" and text "{import("Schemas.sys.mjs").SchemaInject} [schema]": Invalid type expression "import("Schemas.sys.mjs").SchemaInject": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.017Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1727 with tag title "returns" and text "{typeof ExtensionAPI}": Invalid type expression "typeof ExtensionAPI": Expected "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.017Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1735 with tag title "returns" and text "{typeof ExtensionAPI}": Invalid type expression "typeof ExtensionAPI": Expected "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.018Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1751 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<typeof ExtensionAPI>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<typeof ExtensionAPI>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.019Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs in line 1760 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<typeof ExtensionAPI>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<typeof ExtensionAPI>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "E" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.052Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionContent.sys.mjs in line 168 with tag title "type" and text "{Promise<PrecompiledScript> & { script?: PrecompiledScript }}": Invalid type expression "Promise<PrecompiledScript> & { script?: PrecompiledScript }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.052Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionContent.sys.mjs in line 169 with tag title "type" and text "{Promise<PrecompiledScript> & { script?: PrecompiledScript }}": Invalid type expression "Promise<PrecompiledScript> & { script?: PrecompiledScript }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.057Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ExtensionContent.sys.mjs, line: 345
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.058Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ExtensionContent.sys.mjs, line: 346
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.072Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionContent.sys.mjs in line 1064 with tag title "param" and text "{keyof typeof DocumentManager.observers} topic": Invalid type expression "keyof typeof DocumentManager.observers": Expected "|" but "t" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.073Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionContent.sys.mjs in line 1069 with tag title "param" and text "{keyof typeof DocumentManager.observers} topic": Invalid type expression "keyof typeof DocumentManager.observers": Expected "|" but "t" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.136Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs in line 1978 with tag title "typedef" and text "{ChannelWrapper & { _dnrMatchedRules?: MatchedRule[] }}
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.136Z]          ChannelWrapperViaDNR": Invalid type expression "ChannelWrapper & { _dnrMatchedRules?: MatchedRule[] }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.137Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs in line 1987 with tag title "typedef" and text "{ChannelWrapper & { _dnrMatchedRules?: MatchedRule[] }}
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.137Z]          ChannelWrapperViaDNR": Invalid type expression "ChannelWrapper & { _dnrMatchedRules?: MatchedRule[] }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.200Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNRStore.sys.mjs in line 748 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").RuleQuotaCounter} [options.ruleQuotaCounter]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.200Z]        The counter of already-enabled rules that are not part of
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.200Z]        `enabledRulesetIds`. Set when `isUpdateEnabledRulesets` is true.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.200Z]        This method may mutate its internal counters.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").RuleQuotaCounter": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.202Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNRStore.sys.mjs in line 775 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").RuleQuotaCounter} [options.ruleQuotaCounter]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.202Z]        The counter of already-enabled rules that are not part of
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.202Z]        `enabledRulesetIds`. Set when `isUpdateEnabledRulesets` is true.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.202Z]        This method may mutate its internal counters.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").RuleQuotaCounter": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.206Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNRStore.sys.mjs in line 899 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").Rule} Rule": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").Rule": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.207Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionDNRStore.sys.mjs in line 918 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").Rule} Rule": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionDNR.sys.mjs").Rule": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.228Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs in line 43 with tag title "param" and text "{{ text, filename, lineNumber?, columnNumber? }} options": Invalid type expression "{ text, filename, lineNumber?, columnNumber? }": Expected "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "?" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.229Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs in line 44 with tag title "param" and text "{{ text, filename, lineNumber?, columnNumber? }} options": Invalid type expression "{ text, filename, lineNumber?, columnNumber? }": Expected "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "}", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "?" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.277Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs in line 247 with tag title "typedef" and text "{typeof ProxyMessenger} NativeMessenger": Invalid type expression "typeof ProxyMessenger": Expected "|" but "P" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.278Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs in line 248 with tag title "typedef" and text "{typeof ProxyMessenger} NativeMessenger": Invalid type expression "typeof ProxyMessenger": Expected "|" but "P" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.283Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ExtensionParent.sys.mjs, line: 469
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.284Z] WARNING: The @type tag does not permit a description; the description will be ignored. File: ExtensionParent.sys.mjs, line: 470
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.302Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs in line 1552 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("resource://devtools/server/actors/descriptors/webextension.js")
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.302Z]               .WebExtensionDescriptorActor} WebExtensionDescriptorActor": Invalid type expression "import("resource://devtools/server/actors/descriptors/webextension.js")
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.302Z]               .WebExtensionDescriptorActor": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.303Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs in line 1565 with tag title "type" and text "{Map<string, Promise<XULBrowserElement> & { browser: XULBrowserElement }>}": Invalid type expression "Map<string, Promise<XULBrowserElement> & { browser: XULBrowserElement }>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.304Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs in line 1566 with tag title "type" and text "{Map<string, Promise<XULBrowserElement> & { browser: XULBrowserElement }>}": Invalid type expression "Map<string, Promise<XULBrowserElement> & { browser: XULBrowserElement }>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.345Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionPermissions.sys.mjs in line 406 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").EventEmitter} EventEmitter": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").EventEmitter": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.346Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionPermissions.sys.mjs in line 416 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").EventEmitter} EventEmitter": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").EventEmitter": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.478Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 93 with tag title "type" and text "{Map<string, Promise<typeof lazy.JSONFile>>}": Invalid type expression "Map<string, Promise<typeof lazy.JSONFile>>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.479Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 94 with tag title "type" and text "{Map<string, Promise<typeof lazy.JSONFile>>}": Invalid type expression "Map<string, Promise<typeof lazy.JSONFile>>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.483Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 98 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.487Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 106 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.492Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 122 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.495Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs in line 130 with tag title "returns" and text "{Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>}": Invalid type expression "Promise<InstanceType<Lazy['JSONFile']>>": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.537Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageIDB.sys.mjs in line 633 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").ExtensionBaseContextChild} context
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.537Z]        The extension context that is selecting the storage backend.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").ExtensionBaseContextChild": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.538Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageIDB.sys.mjs in line 662 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").ExtensionBaseContextChild} context
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.538Z]        The extension context that is selecting the storage backend.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionPageChild.sys.mjs").ExtensionBaseContextChild": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.540Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageIDB.sys.mjs in line 799 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs").ExtensionError} ExtensionError": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs").ExtensionError": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.541Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageIDB.sys.mjs in line 819 with tag title "typedef" and text "{import("ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs").ExtensionError} ExtensionError": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs").ExtensionError": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.546Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageSync.sys.mjs in line 59 with tag title "type" and text "{Error & { code?: number }}": Invalid type expression "Error & { code?: number }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.546Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageSync.sys.mjs in line 60 with tag title "type" and text "{Error & { code?: number }}": Invalid type expression "Error & { code?: number }": Expected "|" but "&" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.598Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionTelemetry.sys.mjs in line 66 with tag title "param" and text "{Error | DOMException | ReturnType<typeof Components.Exception>} error
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.598Z]        The error object to convert into a string representation.": Invalid type expression "Error | DOMException | ReturnType<typeof Components.Exception>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "C" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.598Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionTelemetry.sys.mjs in line 80 with tag title "param" and text "{Error | DOMException | ReturnType<typeof Components.Exception>} error
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.598Z]        The error object to convert into a string representation.": Invalid type expression "Error | DOMException | ReturnType<typeof Components.Exception>": Expected ",", ">", or "|" but "C" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.659Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionWorkerChild.sys.mjs in line 476 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").ExtensionAPI}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").ExtensionAPI": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.659Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionWorkerChild.sys.mjs in line 482 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").ExtensionAPI}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").ExtensionAPI": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.681Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.sys.mjs in line 36 with tag title "type" and text "{import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.sys.mjs").AddonWrapper}": Invalid type expression "import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.sys.mjs").AddonWrapper": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.682Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.sys.mjs in line 37 with tag title "type" and text "{import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.sys.mjs").AddonWrapper}": Invalid type expression "import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.sys.mjs").AddonWrapper": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.690Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.sys.mjs in line 752 with tag title "param" and text "{[origin: string, url: string, options: object]} args": Invalid type expression "[origin: string, url: string, options: object]": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.691Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.sys.mjs in line 753 with tag title "param" and text "{[origin: string, url: string, options: object]} args": Invalid type expression "[origin: string, url: string, options: object]": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.763Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/NativeMessaging.sys.mjs in line 128 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").NativeMessenger} port Parent NativeMessenger used to send messages.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").NativeMessenger": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.763Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/NativeMessaging.sys.mjs in line 128 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").ParentPort}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").ParentPort": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.764Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/NativeMessaging.sys.mjs in line 135 with tag title "param" and text "{import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").NativeMessenger} port Parent NativeMessenger used to send messages.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").NativeMessenger": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.764Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/NativeMessaging.sys.mjs in line 135 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").ParentPort}": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionParent.sys.mjs").ParentPort": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.842Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 918 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").SchemaAPIInterface}
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.842Z]          The implementation of the API.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").SchemaAPIInterface": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.843Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 928 with tag title "returns" and text "{import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").SchemaAPIInterface}
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.843Z]          The implementation of the API.": Invalid type expression "import("ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs").SchemaAPIInterface": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.863Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 1557 with tag title "type" and text "{(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => ChoiceType}": Invalid type expression "(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => ChoiceType": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ")", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "," found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.864Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 1558 with tag title "type" and text "{(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => ChoiceType}": Invalid type expression "(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => ChoiceType": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ")", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "," found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.867Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 1658 with tag title "type" and text "{(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => RefType}": Invalid type expression "(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => RefType": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ")", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "," found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.868Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 1659 with tag title "type" and text "{(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => RefType}": Invalid type expression "(root, schema, path, extraProperties?: Iterable) => RefType": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ")", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "," found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.887Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 3343 with tag title "returns" and text "{Generator<[string, Entry]>}": Invalid type expression "Generator<[string, Entry]>": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.889Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 3344 with tag title "returns" and text "{Generator<[string, Entry]>}": Invalid type expression "Generator<[string, Entry]>": Expected "!", "$", "'", "(", "*", ".", "...", "0", "?", "@", "Function", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "undefined", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "{", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but "[" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.898Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 3684 with tag title "typedef" and text "{{ inject: typeof Schemas.inject }} SchemaInject
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.898Z]          Interface SchemaInject as used by SchemaApiManager,
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.898Z]          with the one method shared across Schemas and SchemaRoot.": Invalid type expression "{ inject: typeof Schemas.inject }": Expected ",", "|", or "}" but "S" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.898Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/Schemas.sys.mjs in line 3689 with tag title "typedef" and text "{{ inject: typeof Schemas.inject }} SchemaInject
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.899Z]          Interface SchemaInject as used by SchemaApiManager,
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.899Z]          with the one method shared across Schemas and SchemaRoot.": Invalid type expression "{ inject: typeof Schemas.inject }": Expected ",", "|", or "}" but "S" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.917Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/WebNavigation.sys.mjs in line 121 with tag title "param" and text "{typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE} [acData.result.type]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.917Z]   The result type associated with the navigation action.": Invalid type expression "typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE": Expected "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.917Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/WebNavigation.sys.mjs in line 121 with tag title "param" and text "{typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE} [acData.result.source]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.917Z]   The result source associated with the navigation action.": Invalid type expression "typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE": Expected "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.918Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/WebNavigation.sys.mjs in line 135 with tag title "param" and text "{typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE} [acData.result.type]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.918Z]   The result type associated with the navigation action.": Invalid type expression "typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE": Expected "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.918Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/extensions/WebNavigation.sys.mjs in line 135 with tag title "param" and text "{typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE} [acData.result.source]
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:18.918Z]   The result source associated with the navigation action.": Invalid type expression "typeof lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE": Expected "|" but "l" found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.310Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/featuregates/FeatureGateImplementation.sys.mjs in line 208 with tag title "param" and text "{Function(newValue: boolean)} [observer.onChange] Called when the
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.310Z]        feature's state changes to any value. The new value will be passed to the
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.310Z]        function.": Invalid type expression "Function(newValue: boolean)": Expected "$", "'", ".", "0", "@", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but " " found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.313Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/featuregates/FeatureGateImplementation.sys.mjs in line 223 with tag title "param" and text "{Function(newValue: boolean)} [observer.onChange] Called when the
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.313Z]        feature's state changes to any value. The new value will be passed to the
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.313Z]        function.": Invalid type expression "Function(newValue: boolean)": Expected "$", "'", ".", "0", "@", "\"", "\\", "_", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but " " found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.440Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.sys.mjs in line 5363 with tag title "param" and text "{Array<string} extensionIDs A list of non-Firefox extension IDs.": Invalid type expression "Array<string": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but end of input found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:19.442Z] ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.sys.mjs in line 5373 with tag title "param" and text "{Array<string} extensionIDs A list of non-Firefox extension IDs.": Invalid type expression "Array<string": Expected "!", "#", "$", "(", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", ":", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[]", "\\", "_", "|", "~", "‌", "‍", Unicode combining mark, Unicode decimal number, Unicode letter number, Unicode lowercase letter, Unicode modifier letter, Unicode other letter, Unicode punctuation connector, Unicode titlecase letter, Unicode uppercase letter, or [1-9] but end of input found.
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.327Z] 
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.328Z] Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx/", line 97, in emit
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     results.append(listener.handler(, *args))
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 159, in analyze
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     app._sphinxjs_analyzer = analyzer.from_disk(abs_source_paths,
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 76, in from_disk
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     return cls(json, base_dir)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 48, in __init__
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     self._doclets_by_path.add_many((full_path_segments(d, base_dir), d)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 44, in add_many
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     for segs, value in segments_and_values:
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 48, in <genexpr>
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     self._doclets_by_path.add_many((full_path_segments(d, base_dir), d)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_js/", line 184, in full_path_segments
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     path_and_formal_params['path'].parse(path))
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/parsimonious/", line 141, in parse
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     node = self.match(text, pos=pos)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/parsimonious/", line 158, in match
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     raise error
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] parsimonious.exceptions.ParseError: Rule 'name' didn't match at '' (line 1, column 61).
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] 
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] 
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx/cmd/", line 293, in build_main
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     app = Sphinx(args.sourcedir, args.confdir, args.outputdir,
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx/", line 272, in __init__
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     self._init_builder()
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx/", line 343, in _init_builder
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]'builder-inited')
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]   File "/builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx/", line 108, in emit
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z]     raise ExtensionError(__("Handler %r for event %r threw an exception") %
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] sphinx.errors.ExtensionError: Handler <function analyze at 0x7f1a4c3d3880> for event 'builder-inited' threw an exception (exception: Rule 'name' didn't match at '' (line 1, column 61).)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] 
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] Extension error (sphinx_js):
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] Handler <function analyze at 0x7f1a4c3d3880> for event 'builder-inited' threw an exception (exception: Rule 'name' didn't match at '' (line 1, column 61).)
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] ./mach doc: failed to generate documentation:
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.329Z] /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko: sphinx return code 2
[task 2024-04-25T02:09:21.336Z] 
[taskcluster 2024-04-25 02:09:21.858Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-04-25 02:09:21.978Z] Artifact "public/docs.tar.gz" not found at "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/docs-out/main.tar.gz"
[taskcluster 2024-04-25 02:09:22.105Z] Artifact "public/trees.json" not found at "/builds/worker/artifacts/trees.json"
[taskcluster 2024-04-25 02:09:22.175Z] Unsuccessful task run with exit code: 1 completed in 99.275 seconds
Component: Storage: Quota Manager → Profile Backup
Product: Core → Firefox

:mconley, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1891596, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1891596

Assignee: nobody → mconley
Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

This appears to be caused by this method:

Apparently, SphinxJS really doesn't like static async private methods. Huh. I'll file a SphinxJS bug, and post a patch with a workaround.

Pushed by
Workaround sphinx-js being unhappy with static async private methods. r=backup-reviewers,kpatenio
Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 127 Branch
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


