Open Bug 1893722 Opened 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago

Group linkage recovery from pre-67 Firefox overwriting profiles.ini


(Toolkit :: Startup and Profile System, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: jhirsch, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-profile-management] )

Marking this bug optional for now.

Currently we plan to store the path to the selectable profile group DB on the profile entry in profiles.ini, not on the install. If a user runs a pre-67 install of Firefox, profiles.ini will be overwritten, and while we can recover the dedicated default profile link to each install from the installs.ini backup file (see [1] and [2] for details), if we don't assign group path info either to the install or as a separate ini section inside installs.ini, then we risk losing the group DB linkage in this scenario.

We know from looking at version telemetry [3] that there is a small population of pre-67 Firefox installs. As far as I'm currently aware, we don't know how often users on a given device toggle between pre- and post-67 installs.


Whiteboard: [fidefe-profile-management]
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