Open Bug 1893983 Opened 24 days ago Updated 19 days ago

Remove mozbehavior


(Core :: DOM: Notifications, task)





(Reporter: saschanaz, Assigned: saschanaz)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Bug 912645 added new Notification({ mozbehavior }) support for Firefox OS, but now it's not supported by any alert service backend. It's exposed to web but as a no-op, so it should be straightforward to remove this.

Hello Fabrice, I heard you are the right contact for KaiOS related issue.

I briefly checked KaiOS branch on searchfox and did not notice any direct use, although there might be indirect uses that I'm missing. Can you double check whether KaiOS uses this feature through Notification constructor, so that I don't suddenly break KaiOS feature?

Flags: needinfo?(fabrice)

Hi Kagami, thanks for reaching out - really appreciate it! I'm not at KaiOS anymore, so I'm transferring the needinfo to Shelly.

Flags: needinfo?(fabrice) → needinfo?(shellylin)

Hi Kagami,
Thanks for your kindly notice! We will cherry-pick back the NotificationBehavior (or revert the removal) once it has been removed.

Flags: needinfo?(shellylin)
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