Open Bug 1894004 Opened 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago

Update to test that a backup can be recovered from - part 2


(Firefox :: Profile Backup, task, P3)





(Reporter: mconley, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-device-migration])

In bug 1886614, I'm adding an end-to-end test for the whole backup service to test that backups can be created and recovered from.

Since at the time of writing that test, recovery wasn't yet implemented, the test just ensures that creating a backup populates a staging directory with some files and a backup-manifest.json file.

Once we've got enough of the recovery mechanism built out, we should update the test from bug 1886614 to:

  1. Write some things to various data stores, like bookmarks, passwords, cookies, etc.
  2. Create a backup.
  3. Recover from that backup into a new profile
  4. Ensure that the items from 1 exist in the new profile

This test follows up on bug 1892105, and adds testing for the following 2 resources:

  1. AddonsBackupResource
  2. SessionStoreBackupResource
Blocks: 1892744
No longer blocks: 1885955
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