Open Bug 1894055 Opened 16 days ago Updated 16 days ago

search configuration tests don't detect more than one instance of an engine per locale/region


(Firefox :: Search, task, P3)





(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [sng][search-tech-debt])

In writing the patches for bug 1885391 we've seen that we're able to have more than one engine of the same type allocated to a single locale/region combination, e.g. both ebay-es and ebay-pl allocated to locale an region pl.

We should add detection to the search configuration tests to ensure that we don't have unexpected duplicates in the same region.

Starting by at _findEngines - that finds engines that match the identifier provided in the test.

Whiteboard: [sng] → [sng][search-tech-debt]
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