Closed Bug 1895058 Opened 18 days ago Closed 13 days ago

Clear history when Firefox closes should respect the exceptions for cookie and site data


(Toolkit :: Data Sanitization, defect, P2)

Firefox 125





(Reporter: mozilla.carded479, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0

Steps to reproduce:

My intention is that when Firefox is closed, all the cookies, cache, offline data, etc are removed. To achieve this I went to Settings - Privacy & Security and changed a couple of options

  • Enabled "Delete cookies and data when Firefox is closed"
  • Clicked the "Manage Exceptions..." and added several websites whose data I wish to preserve
  • Enabled "Clear history when Firefox closes"
  • Clicked the "Settings..." button next to it and checked everything, including "Site settings"
  • Closed Firefox

Actual results:

All the websites that I added in "Manage Exceptions..." were deleted. The cookies and site data associated with those websites was also deleted.

Expected results:

I expected that the "Manage Exceptions..." list would be respected.

Unchecking "Site settings" solves the problem, but "Site settings" is a very vague term which doesn't clearly indicate that all my exceptions are going to be permanently deleted.

Component: Untriaged → Data Sanitization
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Flags: needinfo?(hsohaney)

Thanks for filing this bug. I have validated this. From what I tried, it looks like clearing "Site Settings" on shutdown clears the set exceptions too, and having "Cookies" selected with that, clears the cookies. After a bit of investigation, CLEAR_PERMISSIONS is the faulty cleaner. Since the site exceptions are stored as permissions, this seems to make some sense, but I have not looked more into what exactly is the error. This is a problematic bug since there seems to be no workaround to clearing site settings and cookies together without deleting exceptions (and as a result, cookies).

Severity: -- → S2
Flags: needinfo?(hsohaney)
Priority: -- → P2

Removing clear-data-revamp from blocking since this is unrelated to the new clear history dialog

No longer blocks: clear-data-revamp
Closed: 13 days ago
Duplicate of bug: 1658094
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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