Closed Bug 1895871 Opened 24 days ago Closed 17 days ago

Update irregexp to new version 66c0bd3237b1577e6291de56003f8fddc6b65b16 from 2024-05-09 00:00:00


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, enhancement)




128 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox127 --- wontfix
firefox128 --- fixed


(Reporter: update-bot, Assigned: iain)



(Whiteboard: [3pl-filed][task_id: JZpCzXYMQTe526g4b-UflA])


(2 files)

This update covers 1214 commits, including 133 new upstream commits I've never filed a bug on before. (They're the top 133.). Here are the overall diff statistics.

js/src/irregexp/imported/ | 2 +
js/src/irregexp/imported/ | 13 +++++++++-
js/src/irregexp/imported/ | 19 +++++++++++---
js/src/irregexp/imported/ | 28 +++++++++++++++------
js/src/irregexp/moz.yaml | 4 +-
5 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

Duplicate of this bug: 1894663

The try push is done, we found jobs with unclassified failures.

Needs Close Investigation:

  • spidermonkey-sm-pbl-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: A81H3i-VTdi5UjOiSPTgKw, JJeHs05xTVC8BWA88omy-Q, N8RGYbyDTa2QIRLD0KeNfw, Q7A3wdizS2ebbo7lWnRr1w)
  • spidermonkey-sm-fuzzilli-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: aFKZ97X5RqCBJMvO1xMFrQ, P853wLRqTMyGjHs983VZ_Q, PVF4zSIZSdS91HjJ0ZpIQQ, TiZm0A_NQmGY3fMUB5erkw)
  • hazard-linux64-shell-haz/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: AirtfCy1TQ6UNvoqKDUFeA, ACqQ4CF3TKiI5_0voB7dUw, Lx63ykmlSYuh6vzUsIOReQ, SvbBS4cRSrGVaeixdQvMSA)
  • spidermonkey-sm-plain-linux32/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: asKyEUZrR0KGJckL3Bgoaw, BSMRpLICSn6mMizGyYOIKQ, EsdTzJntTTC8O5kaROc4xA, Hm_VlTZCRlKt4sgU-bPTZg)
  • spidermonkey-sm-linux64-wasi/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: aZYkBTeISc2Zz5aQIncOAg, Ee6QmoRLT2SE_vSBwJWd6A, RnQiVZO8RNeydhOH_djF6g, WbOk0mKsTBqRc7niuRcM7w)
  • spidermonkey-sm-arm-sim-linux32/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Bzuzikp7SPW3nBW-S4c_Ow, CnnHe5QhRrSdlLS_W75h6w, LGyxWaEiQIKCgg4apQG1aw, LFK-OxgdS96SI7JIlj9liA)
  • spidermonkey-sm-tsan-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: C0YHnrV_RNire5HhGMRLQw, cbPbmmJ8RQ20pBU-e3YQFA, epiQnPf8QRuu76eHXSer9g, d5ZFHKSxQIOLY7beJ0AGog)
  • spidermonkey-sm-temporal-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: D7qpFN19SFWqyQFEiZI7lg, Ao4JWDfETBaxe1VcMlCOsQ, Mq0MocwmT1OAxqKsd8pA8g, W2G2s5IgR8CQ1c9FVo9qUQ)
  • spidermonkey-sm-compacting-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: dcuV5tO9R4qlg9-Wnsq9XQ, EXhOPr15RuSGqW2NzTmKjA, Qy4bC-P5QV-UdGHp0XEZWw, V4GLS_KlQzutAeE7aRqiXA)
  • spidermonkey-sm-nonunified-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: DtGb6kjHSaymybAxInjOPg, aBzfJi3zSXunBEqhP-pANQ, GeA2qZCsS6qENgp2-sAxQg, c1dF24UWROi7pvePDwEG9A)
  • spidermonkey-sm-nojit-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: eBXQ10K0TaSaoXw1Go-V-w, FHHHEuyPTQOjmpNRZfnfSQ, FTP7V02rQ5ehBM7p5YL6bg, Zo4ibUs1T7GTelhtFOttZw)
  • spidermonkey-sm-gdb-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: f9ILVHC4RF2P9NF5AvPJlg, U3hsvCJ2TlawlLO8SZiZUw, UdiYUAo9QAuiRlNGhjiyag, ZlGZCjp9TWuVC39g4qEIWw)
  • spidermonkey-sm-fuzzing-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Fw-qM4uESn24ZPW2tdzGnw, dNKLPK0DTCi7dqxBpCO5iA, EBmdG18bRoSK75kXSrCB7g, KLkn_MVkQhSOweX4DB0Seg)
  • spidermonkey-sm-arm64-sim-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Ha2SJvyGTZOmzF0rc-qHXg, bsvS8ztHS4OdbpDGfnkEvg, eeUNpR1vTX-o7W_T1jXQAg, KpwPOGx9TlCkEdtH6Gajpw)
  • spidermonkey-sm-linux64-wasi-intl/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: J7Jf9SMUSYWjf9l8LCsIfw, bmjIIgofS3S4WlhmjrCfFg, DaUogmCAS4eCQR70VD91sw, cCLIBp8-Qo-b5xU0hPu5cw)
  • spidermonkey-sm-asan-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: JT59yyRbQuiI8bUw7yEsRg, ad4I0f9HR3a_nzCZ8LsJRA, DzOd8FTASHGaA9981Vp_ZQ, eUZ0jgRKR8u_nL4sHdW90w)
  • spidermonkey-sm-plain-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: JxkFTjieQfW6LVY_9FyCMA, CPR_PP5eQO29osKsoNCyIw, D63foCOyRKKd5OE7vB89TA, AjG-9wJ1Tv6XhWpfKw8Tzg)
  • spidermonkey-sm-rt-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: N6tqLVeGTNm-THgmflDwtg, QBSqNDjbQQW815N6F5YX8A, c97bnkzQTzeuraVAVlVEtw, CV9_DyqfQLClLhlRHAMh6A)
  • spidermonkey-sm-rootanalysis-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: NIBpFHjrQbOncvYKMRMJnA, B4aO3DVfQsu0vnN2dnAM9w, LYaPWFIiSTivAQCSmMdDfg, Y9zcTaKLT5SBS1opJq7WYQ)
  • spidermonkey-sm-pbl-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Q7WKbrgoS7KkWumussKIEw, Og2a9g6oRaqGy65sjrZ55w, YVXU0XOkSbaii5ElbyRzFQ, eEAnAkrgSw232OSZPhdTHg)
  • spidermonkey-sm-plain-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Rab945AGRkWDLr6fCQjm2w, c9S0zhPkT6ymhHIM8RynpA, TiJNp9rQRhSaySA9iDfXXQ, XHtOOJUHTgW8zThHYp5g_g)
  • spidermonkey-sm-linux64-wasi-pbl/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: SUo908HJRDeFmlOSTmy5og, av-X1eVHQUuczkSVL9pxuA, FJHPtNkXRcyupIkS2bTtjg, XF7IWOuCRHmb6UJSfbw2aQ)
  • spidermonkey-sm-package-linux64/opt - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Ve-YGY46QYCh7vtGv7o-IA, KK2QLKqCRC-j0Isii_iKmQ, Os5LEnRYRLKY7fi45TRJHA, VpDoPbKcTaibkmCF5YkX1A)
  • spidermonkey-sm-wasm-no-experimental-linux64/debug - 4 of 4 failed on the same (retriggered) task (failed: Z-bT3Y0-Se6IOFucY7B2DA, b9lT8tiPT_q1z_L7kKT4QQ, cFeUB2HrSfuNIhhmxXfaZw, HlpPi4ImTzCu_1tza1T6Xw)

These failures could mean that the library update changed something and caused
tests to fail. You'll need to review them yourself and decide where to go from here.

In either event, I have done all I can and you will need to take it from here. If you
don't want to land my patch, you can replicate it locally for editing with
./mach vendor js/src/irregexp/moz.yaml

When reviewing, please note that this is external code, which needs a full and
careful inspection - not a rubberstamp.

Assignee: nobody → iireland
Flags: needinfo?(iireland)

There are three small changes in this patch:

  1. V8 added a new form of assertion to be used when verifying the correctness of their sandbox. We don't have an equivalent sandbox, so we can just treat them as debug assertions.
  2. V8 needs a few more methods on Optional, which is a wrapper around mozilla::Maybe.
  3. In a couple of sandbox assertions (for example here, V8 is comparing signed and unsigned integers. I don't think it's worth uplifting a change here, so I'm just suppressing the warning.
Pushed by
Update irregexp to 66c0bd3237b1577e6291de56003f8fddc6b65b16 r=dminor
Update irregexp shim r=dminor
Closed: 17 days ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 128 Branch
Flags: needinfo?(iireland)
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