Open Bug 1897155 Opened 18 days ago Updated 4 days ago

[MSIX] msix Nightly 128 build cannot be installed over a msix Nightly 127


(Firefox :: Installer, defect)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox127 --- unaffected
firefox128 --- affected


(Reporter: btot, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: regression)


(1 file)

Attached image Windows 10 error

Found in

  • Firefox 128.0a1

Affected versions

  • Update from .msix Firefox 127.0a1 to Firefox 128.0a1

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11

Steps to reproduce

  1. On Windows 10, install a .msix (2024-05-02) Firefox nightly build:
  2. Start Firefox, make sure it is working properly
  3. Close it.
  4. Install the .msix Nightly build from

Expected result

  • The new build .msix Nightly 128.0a1, from 2024-05-15, should be installed successfully over the one installed at step1

Actual result

  • The new build .msix build from 2024-05-15 is NOT installed, with error:

App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Mozilla.MozillaFirefoxNightly_128.2405.1503.0_x64__jag0gd4e3s9p2 because a different package Mozilla.MozillaFirefoxNightly_127.2405.209.0_x64__gmpnhwe7bv608 with the same name is already installed. Remove package Mozilla.MozillaFirefoxNightly_127.2405.209.0_x64__gmpnhwe7bv608 before installing. (0x80073cf3)

Additional Notes

  1. On Windows 11, after step 4, the update prompt is not received but instead a new instance of Firefox Nightly is installed. At the end, we have 2 MozillaFirefoxNightly installed 127.0a1 and 128.0a1.
  2. If at step 4, I am using build from , all works correctly. Please note that between the two builds bug 1889299 was backed out.
Flags: qe-verify+

The issue here appears to be that the "publisher ID", namely the jag0gd4e3s9p2 bit, has evolved from gmpnhwe7bv608. (See this opaque comment around

I don't think this value is under our control; it's derived from the package identity and other details that we supply. I will try to understand if anything can be done here. N.b. I expect this to not be significant for Microsoft Store builds, because IIRC Microsoft resigns our MSIX packages for Store delivery, and presumably their signing key is stable.

Looking even earlier, Bug 1894145 was landed in and immediately backed out. But the last Nightly without that commit, namely cannot be installed at all -- the signing key and the manifest publisher don't agree, and that's not valid. And indeed, all of the MSIX tests failed:

I think we need to produce a signing key with the same metadata. bhearsum, is that possible?

Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)

OK, it looks like Windows 11 accommodates this with a possibly difficult process (see, that Windows 10 may not accommodate this (see The process documentation is at

I'm confident that we can arrange the persistent identity process, since our existing signing key is still valid. But it's clear that the persistent identity process is Windows 11-only, and therefore that obtaining a signing key with our existing metadata is valuable. Right now we have roughly 2x Windows 11 users as Windows 10 MSIX users: see

This has been discussed on Slack a bit. According to our SRE who deals with cert aquisition:

We’ve updated our organizational information at digicert at least twice in my memory, 650Castro -> 331Evelyn -> 149 New Montgomery. They do some out-of-sight-of-us research into us, I believe it’s “look the applicant up in Dun and Bradstreet” / “legal paperwork is in order” type things. I doubt we can pass off as anything from that far back.
It’s been a while since I paid attention, but I remember there was a point at which I sent up a CSR that asked for L=Mountain View (because lazy CSR generation) and it got stomped to L=San Francisco because of org-level validation taking priority.
It’s late here and I’m just going from memory without trying/asking, but I don’t think the “new cert with old metadata” will pay off. is also relevant reading for general complaints about this issue, and other ways you can unwillingly end up with an identity change.

Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)

One other thing to note: I think the change to package identity will cause data loss for any users whose profiles are stored in the virtualized filesystem. I haven't verified this, but I think this is what we would expect based on my understanding of how that works.

I had a look last week at what the "persistent identity" route would involve. AFAICT osslsigncode gained support for signing cat files in, so we'd have to update to a version that includes those changes (we currently use 2.1), and then teach how to handle those files. winsign currently uses osslsigncode attach-signature to stuff the signature into the file, but that's not supported for cat files (, so there's a bit of research/engineering to do there; I didn't pursue it further.

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