Open Bug 1897947 Opened 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago

The value for os.environment.launch_method is different for MSIX builds only on Windows 10


(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)

Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox126 --- unaffected
firefox127 --- unaffected
firefox128 --- affected


(Reporter: bmaris, Unassigned)



Found in

  • Latest Nightly 128.0a1

Affected versions

  • Latest Nightly 128.0a1

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Windows 10
  • Unaffected platforms: Windows 11, Windows 11 ARM, macOS, Ubuntu

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit about:preferences
  2. Check the Open Nightly automatically when your computer starts up option
  3. Restart the OS
  4. Wait for Nightly to autostart
  5. Visit about:telemetry and search for os.environment.launch_method

Expected result

  • The value of os.environment.launch_method is Autostart

Actual result

  • The value of os.environment.launch_method is Other

Regression range

  • Not a regression since this is a new thing for MSIX builds.

Additional notes

  • This is only reproducible with MSIX builds on Windows 10. MSIX build on Windows 11 and Windows 11 ARM has the value Autostart
  • Not sure if os.environment.launch_method is used anymore but it was used when the feature first landed in non-MSIX builds.

Can you please let me know which version of Windows you're running? (System Information -> Version)

Flags: needinfo?(bmaris)

(In reply to Nipun Shukla from comment #1)

Can you please let me know which version of Windows you're running? (System Information -> Version)

Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045 (4412 - 22h2)

Flags: needinfo?(bmaris)

That is odd. According to the API docs the minimum supported version is 19041 (2004). I'll investigate this further but we may need a different approach for collecting this telemetry on older versions.

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