Open Bug 1899829 Opened 9 months ago Updated 3 months ago

card label is placed at different position and stacking order in Firefox vs. other browsers at


(Core :: Layout: Positioned, defect)





(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: webcompat:platform-bug)


(6 files)


  1. Load
  2. Scroll down to the larger thumbnails with title "Últimos animes agregados"

The green diagonal card labels should be in front of the thumbnail images, with the top edge being just a bit higher than the image's top edge.

The green diagonal card labels are behind the thumbnail images, and their top edge are higher than they should be (by ~1 line-height or so).

This was originally filed as which we associated with bug 1573990, but there's more going on, since Chrome aligned with our behavior for bug 1573990 and yet we still disagree with Chrome on this particular scenario here.

Here's a reduced testcase, as a slightly-modified version of ksenia's codepen reduction on the github issue.

Attachment #9404833 - Attachment description: testcase 1 → testcase 1 (for positioning difference)
See Also: → 1573990

There's definitely some weird interop differences in this area. Here's a testcase where everyone seems to agree, to get things started...

Attachment #9404843 - Attachment description: testcase 3 (testing where the abspos containing block bounds are, in an ib split situation) → testcase 3 (testing where the abspos containing block bounds are for an inline box)

In this one, Safari and Firefox agree (and match the behavior on testcase 3), but Chrome changes behavior -- they change the abspos CB width to fit the black-bordered-box (the CB of the inline-that-forms-an-abspos-cb), and they increase the height of the abspos containing block to fit the new block child.

This one (with multiple lines of text) is a case where we're the odd one out; we seem to only use the first line of text to define the abspos CB, whereas Chrome and Safari seem to use the union of all of the lines.

See Also: → 1928223
Blocks: 1926971

Here's a testcase from bug 1926971 which I think is a version of this same bug (likely similar to testcase 2 here RE stacking-order-differences).

As noted in bug 1926971 comment 5, if you try hovering the rects in this testcase:

  • Firefox: neither rect changes color.
  • WebKit (and Chrome 100-and-olde): only the lower rect changes color when hovered (i.e. WebKit needs z-index to be set on the display:inline wrapper in order for that rect to be sufficiently-in-the-foreground to be hoverable)
  • Chrome (101-and-newer) both rects change color (individually) when they are hovered.
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