Closed Bug 1900410 Opened 1 month ago Closed 14 days ago

Move away from internal data:-URL in scripting.executeScript + world:MAIN implementation


(WebExtensions :: General, enhancement, P2)



(firefox128 fixed, firefox129 fixed)

129 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox128 --- fixed
firefox129 --- fixed


(Reporter: robwu, Assigned: robwu)



(Whiteboard: [addons-jira])


(4 files)

In bug 1736575, I introduced the use of a data:-URL in order to have a way to get a PrecompiledScript that can execute independently of the page's CSP (

The downside to a data:-URL is that the full script source appears when any callee (potentially from the web page) examines the stack trace, in new Error().stack.

An upside to the current implementation in comparison to the evalInSandbox implementation used for other content script execution is that the data:-URL uniquely identifies the script, so it appears correctly in the debugger. In contrast, the "filename" "sandbox eval code" is currently shared by all tabs.executeScript({ code }) or scripting.executeScript({ func, args }) calls, which makes it a bit difficult to e.g. set a breakpoint for multiple executeScript calls: the first script loaded in the devtools, and after that the debugger shows the original source even if the underlying code has changed.

Anyway, in this bug I'm focusing on the scripting.executeScript + world MAIN code path. The "sandbox eval code" part is already tracked at bug 1707107.

I considered converting the data to a blob. The plus side is that the immediate content is hidden, the downside is potential extension UUID leakage. Perhaps we can have a random artificial extension UUID?

FYI, here is another bug about transforming the CSS code to a blob: bug 1639478

See Also: → 1639478
Assignee: nobody → rob
Severity: -- → S3
Type: task → enhancement
Priority: -- → P2

This option enables internal callers to specify a different file name,
which we will rely upon for redacting the extension URL and filenames.

Pushed by
Add filename option to ChromeUtils.compileScript r=spidermonkey-reviewers,arai
Redact filename from MAIN world scripts r=willdurand
Closed: 14 days ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 129 Branch

This option enables internal callers to specify a different file name,
which we will rely upon for redacting the extension URL and filenames.

Original Revision:

Attachment #9409402 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #9409403 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?

beta Uplift Approval Request

  • User impact if declined: Web pages can detect when extensions execute code using the new world:MAIN option. This includes the source text of the executing script or the script's URL (that includes a UUID that could be used for fingerprinting).
  • Code covered by automated testing: yes
  • Fix verified in Nightly: yes
  • Needs manual QE test: no
  • Steps to reproduce for manual QE testing: Manual testing is not needed because the behavior is already fully covered by automated tests.
  • Risk associated with taking this patch: Low
  • Explanation of risk level: Changes specific part of extension API implementation, fully covered by automated tests. The mechanism to redact file names is mature, and the effects are well understood.
  • String changes made/needed: none
  • Is Android affected?: yes
Attachment #9409403 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+
Attachment #9409402 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+
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